Day 40 – 40 Day Prayer Challenge Lord, teach us to pray. - TopicsExpress


Day 40 – 40 Day Prayer Challenge Lord, teach us to pray. Luke 11:1 Notice what the disciples didn’t ask. They didn’t say, “Lord teach us to preach.” They didn’t say, “Teach us to lead,” or even, “Lord, teach us to disciple.” All of those endeavors are noble. But they have one request: “Lord, teach us to pray.” If we change the way we pray, everything changes. It changes the way we work, the way we parent, and the way we lead. It changes the way we prioritize and strategize. It changes the way we think, the way we feel, and the way we speak. Prayer changes everything from the inside out. The word prayer often induces feelings of guilt simply because we don’t do enough of it or because we feel inept when we don’t know what to say. All of us fall short. But instead of feelings of guilt, the thought of prayer should induce unbridled excitement because nothing is more potent than kneeling before God Almighty. Don’t beat yourself up over past failures or present struggles. Simply do what the disciples did. Ask Jesus to help you to teach you. Let their simple request become your modus operandi: “Lord, teach us to pray.” It doesn’t matter how much you know. Do you have a teachable spirit? Are you hungry to learn? Are you open to change? Wisdom is knowing how much you don’t know. So you have to start there and ask God to teach you. If you don’t know where to start in prayer, or if you get stuck in prayer, go back to the Bible. Start reading, and God will start speaking. That’s when you need to stop reading and start praying. Words, phrases, or verses will jump off the page and into your spirit. You need to circle them in prayer. And don’t be in such a hurry to get through the Bible that you don’t get the Bible through you. It doesn’t matter what you do; prayer is the key to your business, your practice, your career, your life. The anointing of God isn’t limited to pastors who preach. The favor of God is for everyone. If you’re an entrepreneur, you need innovative ideas. If you’re a physician, you need the discernment to diagnose. If you’re in politics, you need the wisdom to govern. If you’re in entertainment, you need the charisma to perform. All of these things are manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Whether we write lyrics or craft legislation, sell homes or teach classes, design spaces or open franchises, prayer is a critical part of the creative process. Don’t just brainstorm; pray storm. Turn your classroom, boardroom, locker room, operating room, courtroom, and conference room into a prayer room! Prayer is the difference between appointments and divine appointments. Prayer is the difference between good ideas and God-ideas. Prayer is the difference between the favor of God and the luck of the draw. Prayer is the difference between closed doors and open doors. Prayer is the difference between possible and impossible. Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do. Lord, the day has come. The 40 Day Prayer challenge has reached its conclusion. So, what is next? Where do I go from here? What did I learn from this challenge? Did I learn anything? Lord, I thank You for taking me on this journey. I thank You for teaching me that You can accomplish more in one day than I can accomplish in a lifetime. Thank You for teaching me that You are not a genie in a bottle, and my wish is not Your command. Better yet, that Your command better be my wish. Thank You for teaching me that if I want You to do something new, I cannot keep doing the same thing. Thank You for showing me that one God-idea is worth more than a thousand good ideas. And finally Lord, thank You for helping me to understand that the purpose of prayer is not to give orders to You; the purpose is to get orders from You. So, Lord, what is next? I will continue on my journey. I will continue to work hard to prayer to You. I will continue to share my journey with others. I will continue to ask You Lord, to teach me to pray.” Thank you Lord for these last 40 days. Thank You for this challenge. Thank You for all You have done for me; all You are doing for me; and all You will do for me. You are an awesome God. And I give You all the Honor and all the Glory now and forever. Amen and Amen!
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 14:53:27 +0000

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