Day 419: Today Im thankful for differences.... You see I owe a - TopicsExpress


Day 419: Today Im thankful for differences.... You see I owe a lot to differences... Differences are what made me into the person I am today, the momma I strive to be tomorrow and the advocate I hope to one day be. Differences are what rocked my world when my daughter, Pip, was born with Down syndrome among other health issues. Differences are what gave me confidence when I had to proudly show her off with a feeding tube, tiny eye contacts, little baby glasses and eye patches. Differences are what taught me strength when I had to brush off comments from other children calling her broken and gross, or hold my head high amongst the constant Whats wrong with her? questions from strangers. Differences are what taught me to believe in something greater than myself when I trace the scars from her numerous surgeries. Differences are what taught me beauty comes in absolutely all sizes, shapes, forms, colors and abilities. Differences are what led me to create Happy Soul Project & opportunities to share our message that #differentisbeautiful - Like today with the bloody, media giant The Huffington Post - I mean as a journalism student back in the day, then working for a couple newspapers & now pouring my heart into my words - Seeing my name on their site as a writer is daydream upon daydream come true... So friends please take a minute to read & share this article with the hope that someone may be feeling what I was and can find hope in how I feel now: huffingtonpost/tara-mccallan/i-want-the-world-to-see-b_b_5437714.html
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 02:30:06 +0000

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