Day 47 (Post Op): Sunday was a very Blessed day for us with - TopicsExpress


Day 47 (Post Op): Sunday was a very Blessed day for us with Thaakirah. Our first family outdoor activity after her operation. The weather was perfect and we set out to spend some quality time together for the first time in many months. The morning started out with a trip to the V & A Waterfront (Quay 6) to view the Africa Mercy Hospital Ship. A 152m, 16,572 Ton shipping vessel with 8 decks, including 5 operating theatres, an ICU, X-RAY, CT Scanner, a lab and wards that can accommodate up to 82 patients at anytime. All approximately 450 crew members onboard are volunteers. Mercy Ships has delivered free services valued at more than $1 billion. That includes 61,000 surgeries and 539,000 patients treated. Read more on their website ( After the exciting and informative tour on board the Africa Mercy, it was time for breakfast (that was prepared at home). Thereafter, Thaakirah wanted to spend some time in the playpark area. This was our first experience since the op to gauge her physical ability within a playground area. We were accustomed to only her being on a swing and the roundabout as this required minimal physical movement from her. Any jungle jim ladders or slide boards were a big no-no because she had to be physically assisted. She didnt enjoy it and wasnt able to manage on these apparatus by herself. Usually after 10-15mins, park time was over and she would want to leave for home and in most cases she would be fast asleep by the time we got there. So with this imprinted in our minds we just went about it one step at a time and at least hoped that she would be a bit more active. We could not have been more unprepared for what was about to hit us. It was like her tiny little body was fitted with a fuel injected V12 or jet engine. Thaakirah, climbed the ladders and went down the slides all by herself to the extent that eventually she was passed on from one family member to the other because everyone was exhausted except her. Apart from continuously climbing up and sliding down she did not stop chatting, screaming out of excitement and all this without gasping for air or showing any signs of fatigue. Eventually everyone started finding a way to take a breather. Big Brother, Abdur-Razaaq hid away at the Amphitheatre watching 7s Rugby. Little brother Muhammad Ayyoob (11yrs) and sister, Sumayyah (7yrs) disappeared somewhere to the other end of the playpark. Both of them totally exhausted, hungry and thirsty. Nearly 2 hours later, after much negotiation we managed to get Thaakirah away from the playpark by offering her a juice/ice cream and lunch. (Yippee it worked) After lunch, we decided to go to Sea Point beachfront to relax on the grass area (far away from a playpark). This did not stop her from slowing down. Again everyone scattered and found a little space out of sight. For about another hour she ran around the grass area on Sea Point beachfront with no sign of stopping. By then everyone except Thaakirah was totally bushed and thirsty again and we decided to call it a day and headed on homewards much to her moaning and dislike. She even commented the following “Going home now, just don’t make sense”. We stopped over at a store on the way home and as I got out, I asked who was going inside with me, Everyone shouted in unison THAAKIRAH!!! Eventually Ayyoob decided to join us. She ran around and chatted so much in the store, I forgot to get half the stuff. This meant we needed to make a 2nd stop further on. This time I said Im going in alone but Mom replied Please take Thaakirah with you or else Im coming in with you instead. The drive home was a silent one even the radio was off, there was barely a peep from anyone, Except...who else ...Thaakirah, chatting away and wide awake with no sign of tiredness... Her smiling face was still as radiant as it was when she woke up on Sunday morning. We are truly Thankful to the Almighty and feel truly Blessed for His Infinite Mercy that He has placed over Thaakirah. Sunday was that day we have Prayed and Hoped for over the last 3 and half years. The day to see our little princess run around, full of energy and playing as a normal child without a fear or worry that she is exceeding her physical limits. Prayer for help from the Almighty, Faith in His Power and Hope in His Infinite Mercy can only bring contentment, joy and happiness to anyone who is patient and submits to His Will and Decree. We hope that you have enjoyed this bit of Blessed news that we experienced yesterday and seek your continuous prayers and support for Thaakirah that she may strengthen and overcome all that lies ahead for her in her journey of life. God-Willing.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 04:13:58 +0000

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