Day 479 Leonitis - A little blurry but I finally caught Leo and - TopicsExpress


Day 479 Leonitis - A little blurry but I finally caught Leo and Mikayla playing tug. Leo of course won..ha. Well today was a day that both reminds us of why we do what we do and also horrifys us at what these dogs often endure. Today the verdict is in on our two new little puppy mill additions Carlos the Japanese Chin and Daisy the Sweet Beagle. The verdict is that both of them are lucky to be out of the life of constant breeding and the conditions they lived in. Today both dogs were at the Vet for their assessment and vetting. Carlos was neutered, had a large umbilical hernia surgically repaired and had every tooth in his head removed....not that he had many left as it appears most had either been removed by the breeder or had rotted and fallen out of his mouth on their own. His jaw is fragile as well from the years of rotting teeth. Carlos had been having a difficult time eating since he came to us as he had to scoop the food out using his bottom jaw like a spoon. At first we had a bowl that was to deep so he didnt have much room to scoop then we got the hang of it and he ate a bit more yesterday. The good news is that.all is behind him now and in a few days he will be ready to start the rest of his life with a fresh slate. Daisy is actually in a bit worse shape. I had her at the Vet yesterday trying to determine what the giant lemon sized masses were in her mammary area. The first Vet was stumped as it did not present itself like a mammary tumor or a lipoma (fatty tumor). She suggested I bring her back today and have the other Vet look at her. It was determined that one side is an inquinal hernia, a big one.....that needs to be corrected surgically right away. The second mass is still stumping the Vet a bit, the chances are it is another hernia but it cannot be pushed back in and that is even more concerning in case it is strangling her intestines. Daisy also has Erlichia which is a tick borne disease. She will also need several teeth pulled along with a full dental and removal of a sebaceous cyst on her head. Both of these dogs have gone through hell and it is now time for them to have a wonderful second chapter in their lives. We will do our very best to give that to them. We do however need some help from all of you, our dedicated followers. Daisys surgeries are going to be expensive and our existing Vet bills are already eating us alive. If each of our over 2000 followers would consider giving even $1 we could not only pay for this surgery, but be able to help more dogs like Daisy and Carlos. Donations can be made online at we hate asking...all who know me know how much I hate asking but our back is against the wall with medical case after medical case coming through our doors. Any little bit will help, please consider making a tax deductible donation to help Daisy, Carlos and all the dogs here at PAWS. More tomorrow!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:00:26 +0000

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