Day +5... Its been one of those 24 hours.. Actually more than 24 - TopicsExpress


Day +5... Its been one of those 24 hours.. Actually more than 24 hours... Calvin had a good day yesterday and was still eating and drinking and then throughout the night it kinda took a bit of a turn... Daddy spent the night with calvin while mommy and Dalton were together.. First I will start with mommy and Dalton... We had a good afternoon playing in the gym at the RMH and then we went to meet aunt Betty for supper and Dalton hasnt been feeling the best (has major bowel issues and seen a specialist almost 2 weeks ago for it and well lets just say its gotten worse rather than better) and because he isnt using the bathroom, food is no longer staying in his stomach... But its coming up..He was sick all over the restaurant last night... We got home and he went to sleep but very uncomfortable.. Then today he has gotten worse and hasnt been able to keep the food in at all... His little body is so full and the medication doctor put him on is not working at all... Sick again for me twice today and once at nanas house.. So I have decided no better place than sick kids to end this almost year and half issue, we will be heading to emerge in the morning.. No human should not go 13 days without using the bathroom.. So please say a prayer for Dalton as something is not right and we have to see about it... Calvin had a good day yesterday and in the middle of the night he threw up a trace of blood... That means there is signs of mucacitis so the nurse put him on morphine for the pain... As you know he was losing his hair yesterday in handfuls, well when I went back in the morning he had pretty much lost it all... It was so heart breaking and really put it into reality of what is going on.. Now he looks like he has something wrong and I guess that just made it so much harder... He hasnt felt well all day... He wants to eat and then when you feed him, he screams.. So it seems that it official and he probably has the mucacitis in his throat and possibly down to his stomach... This means a lot of pain and in return a lot of morphine.. I has hoping I didnt have to make that decision to put my baby boy on morphine but you just cant watch him suffer the way he is... Its heart breaking either way.. And if he doesnt eat he will have to get the feeding tube in his nose... These are all things that can come with bone marrow transplant but hoping he didnt have too... And now he will have this mucacitis until he engrafts which who knows how long can take.. Engrafts means until his own body starts producing the new bone marrow... Hes on high blood pressure medicine, and then theres all these other anti fungal, anti this and that, that hes on too... So much going into this wee body... Today was the first day where my poor boy has been defeated by this... And I knew it was to come but was really hoping it didnt... Everything is very normal for post transplant and when the nurse saw me upset she said shes surprised he went +5 days with no symptoms... So being thankful for that but still sad to see him suffer... So as you all have been doing please pray for comfort for him.. And theres there me... Good ol mama has to go and get a cold sore.. Usually I get cold sores when either Im stressed or worn down... Go figure... I dont feel stressed but I guess my body feels tired and says hey Im gonna give you a cold sore.. So I had to go to the walk in clinic (Calvins doctors orders) to see what he says... Well I am on a very strong dose of something and have to stay away for 24 hours.. On top of it all, I cant be with calvin tonight because of a cold sore.. It could be very serious to his health if he was to catch it.. Remember he has no immune system right now and we cant risk anything... So mama has come home again to the RMH to stay with Dalton while dad does second night in a row... Thats okay cause clearly Dalton needed mama tonight too... So My night has consisted of... Dalton barfing all over the kitchen down stairs,. To another barfing explosion as we were snuggling in the bed... Change clothes, pillows, didnt get the sheets, thank goodness, doing 6 loads of laundry and in between going up and down to check on Dalton, locked myself out of room had to get security to let me in, then my key reset so had to go back and get it reprogrammed, and then Dalton not going to sleep until he was beyond tired cause both of his blankeys were.... You guessed it, barfed on... Calvins clothes has to be washed completely on its own, bagged up and then bagged up again... Im serious... And today I am pretty sure I have walked thousands of miles... And my feet are killing me.. But heres hoping that all this exercise will help get the extra pregnancy weight off... Lol But heres how i am going to go to bed tonight... Thankful that I have a bed to sleep in.. Thankful for free laundry down stairs here at the RMH... Thankful that we are + another day of post transplant.. Thankful that I have medical care that I could go and get this cold sore checked and have medication to get me back to my wee man... Thankful Daddy is staying wee man again tonight... Thankful that I got to visit and have supper last night with aunt Betty and have my favourite food, WINGS!! We miss you so much!! (We have been living at Bettys since we came back from NB this past spring) Thankful for a beautiful visit with Cindy and Chris Brown today and for the special groceries they brought us.. Chris also had a BMT this past spring and we are so thankful he is cancer free and is able to share his experiences with us.. And of course for another day of food, shelter and love.... And.... I will throw in there that I am extra thankful for Nana coming back to us tomorrow after having to leave on Saturday and go to work at her real job.. Its so much easier with the third person, Hahahhaha!!! Im serious!! So its been a wild couple days but as you can see we are still very thankful.. So many things to be thankful in life, that really in our day to day lives, we forget... And then at the end of the day, its God that we need to be thankful too.. He has provided all our needs and the heart to sing in joyful thanks... What are you thankful for today????
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 05:23:09 +0000

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