Day 5 of “7 days of walking with God” devotional Friday’s - TopicsExpress


Day 5 of “7 days of walking with God” devotional Friday’s ARE FOR PAUSING IN HIS PRESENCE Psalm 100:4a Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. The more time you spend with God, the more hunger you will have to be in His presence. So here we are at day 5, it has been my prayer as I have written these out that you would encounter the joy, the peace, and the love of Jesus Christ. Light dispels the darkness, so lets get into the light again this morning. Our text this morning admonishes us to enter into His gates, which is a reference to His presence, therefore it is enter into His presence with thanksgiving. Is there anything more urgent or precessing in your life today than pausing in the Lords presence? It always amazes me to think that God, the creator and sustainer of this world invites me into His presence. Several years ago Dennis Jernigan wrote a beautiful song, here is one verse and chorus “When I cannot feel, when my wounds dont heal, Lord I humbly kneel, hidden in You Lord, You are my life so I dont mind to die Just as long as I am hidden in You If I could just sit with You a while, if You could just hold me Nothing could touch me though Im wounded, though I die If I could just sit with You a while, I need You to hold me Moment by moment, till forever passes by”. Its a beautiful song of the intimacy of being in the presence of our savior. When Peter, James and John saw Jesus in all His glory on the mount of transfiguration they fell on their face. When Saul on the road to Damascus encountered Jesus he too fell on his face and when Isaiah was ushered into the presence of the Lord, Isaiah describes the event saying, “Woe is me for I am ruined because I am a man of unclean lips and live among a people of unclean lips, and because my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.” The culture around us says we are doing ok, as long as there is one sinner worse than me then I can always look at them and say “well Im not as...............” you can probably finish the sentence by rote and so can I because we’ve said it time and time again. But when you enter into the presence of the King of Kings, He is our standard, He is our guide. That is exactly what happened to Peter, James, and John it happened to Saul and Isaiah and will happen to you as well when you enter into His presence. But it doesn’t stop with cleansing and praise God it doesn’t. In each of the three examples Ive referenced not only was there a cleansing but there is also a calling, listen to Isaiah as he describes his event (Is 6:8) “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: Who should I send? Who will go for Us?” The Lord calls those He cleanses to a mission. When you spend time in the presence of the almighty, you can’t help but to be cleansed and if you will listen to the Holy Spirit He will give you a calling, a mission. I fear giving examples because I don’t want to limit God, but it could be a word to one person in your life, it could be an action a mission to take that day or something a year from now. But know this time spent with the King of Kings will be a time of personal cleansing and calling. Isaiah having been in the presence of the Lord, he has been cleansed, he has been called now what does he do? Now what do we do after being in the presence of the Lord? We don’t just stay there, we don’t just camp out as Peter wanted to do in Luke 9:33. As with Isaiah there should be with us, in the presence of the Lord there is a cleansing, a calling and look at the last part of Isaiah 6: 8 “I said: Here I am. Send me” , there was a course correction. What course in your life needs to be shifted because of the time you have spent in presence of the King? Spend some time today in the presence of the King of Kings. He has invited you Psalm 100:4 Enter is gates, enter His courts, be in His presence and see where God takes you. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Psalm 100:4a
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 13:07:56 +0000

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