Day 5 of #MakeYourOwnLuck Instagram challenge is a flow from - TopicsExpress


Day 5 of #MakeYourOwnLuck Instagram challenge is a flow from Dolphin to Forearm Plank. Here are some thoughts from Jennie Carlson, Instagram name @bodyimagebuilder on this flow. This flow will help build a solid foundation that will help build strength in the shoulder girdle and core. Start out in Forearm plank with your shoulders right over your elbows, pressing the palms firmly into the earth. Exhale and pull the belly up and in to the back of your spine from the base of the tailbone activating mulabandha as you lift your hips up and back into Dolphin Pose (aka forearm Down Dog). Inhale as you come back to Forearm Plank then continue for 8-10 breaths then rest in childs pose. For the other option, tip-toe your feet up toward your elbows (still using the mula bandha) then tip-toe back to plank. Try it 8-10 times then rest in childs pose! For a chance to win a yoga mat post your pictures on Instagram using the #MakeYourOwnLuck hashtag also post your pictures here so we can highlight them on our wall.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:39:14 +0000

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