Day 50 of 50 day Challenge: For the next 50 days, I will fast from - TopicsExpress


Day 50 of 50 day Challenge: For the next 50 days, I will fast from midnight to 5 pm. The hope here is to diminish the desires of my flesh (the I want it, I need it, I must have it attitude) and practice the presence of God daily and report back any changes in me. I will drink water and eat a fruit or two if needed but overall, during the said timeframe, I will try to practice His presence. On days that I need to share lunch with the family or friends, I will make exceptions on those days. For example, I will have lunch at 4PM with the family on Saturday and also on Sunday, I will also have lunch with the family around 2PM. In the past, I have failed frequently to practice His presence during the time that I refrained from food but this time, I am believing that it will be better. So, someone asked me, are you still trying to be the Pope? Lol. I must admit, it was a funny question but he meant it in a serious way. So I responded, I am trying to get closer to the Lord but the progress is slower than I wanted. But the past 50 days have been a fantastic journey. I was freed from a cage of self-doubt/condemnation, shame, inability to repent/ask for forgiveness and pride. And I have started on a journey to consider about what I said or how I said to others. Not for self condemnation but to retrain myself from taking the usual path of self-righteousness. So, you are my accountability partners and I know that you will lift me up in your prayers. I need them. If you want to join me, you dont necessarily need to fast, but you can practice the presence by reminding about Gods love and his promises every, lets say, 30 minutes. So every 30 minutes, you will say a short prayer like God has bought me with a great price, and I am precious to Him or God said hes very proud of me, etc. Why? Because we are already constantly condemning ourselves about our past sins/failures. Such as I am a bad mother/father/son/daughter or I am a lazy person or I wasted all my opportunities, etc. So why meditate on negative things? Instead meditate on Godly truths. Thats the plan for the next 50 days. I will call it 50 Days of Practicing the Presence of God (PPG). I am expecting the Lords presence.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 02:01:33 +0000

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