Day 53 Sometime people ask me what is Success and if consider - TopicsExpress


Day 53 Sometime people ask me what is Success and if consider myself a successful man. With respect to my financial achievement it would be expected that I would say Yes, but I think the answer is not that simple since success is a very dynamic creature, hard to be defined and measured. Success as far as I see, cannot be measured solely on financial statements or social titles and status there are many other faces to success. Success may not be only a result, it’s a totally subjective state of mind and different people see and measure it in totally different ways. Personally I doubt if success can be measured at all. “The only day you will know if you were successful is your last day and on that day it is the last thing you will think or care about.” Although it’s hard to be measured and describe I still wanted to write about Success, about this elusive term that we are so much wishing for. I believe it might be obvious but for me it required more thought. Google provide us with this definition: suc·cess səkˈses/ noun noun: success; plural noun: successes the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. the president had some success in restoring confidence synonyms: favorable outcome, successfulness, successful result, triumph; Hollywood ending the success of the scheme antonyms:failure the attainment of popularity or profit. the success of his play synonyms:prosperity, affluence, wealth, riches, opulence the trappings of success antonyms:poverty a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity. I must make a success of my business synonyms:triumph, bestseller, blockbuster, selloutantonyms:failure, flop, nobody archaicthe outcome of an undertaking, specified as achieving or failing to achieve its aims. the good or ill success of their maritime enterprises As you may see google definition suggest a result oriented explanation, its about one result of achieving an aim, gain profit or accomplishment of a purpose, but I would like to ask, is success, it all about results? I think something very important is missing from this definition and its the How and and the Why one achieved this results, for example if a student for medicine become a doctor after seven years of very hard studies and practice just to please his parents, can we call it success? From a result prospective, yes this is very simple this is definitely a success but actually it might be a disaster, for this student himself who spend his best years on something he never wanted to be. Before you define what is success, make sure to define what is the success for you, no one can do it better then, this is you and only you to decide. When doing so, make sure you pay attention not only to the aim but also to the How and the Why.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:18:09 +0000

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