Day 57 Goings On: Hello world! So, I was admitted to the - TopicsExpress


Day 57 Goings On: Hello world! So, I was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday because I ran a teeny tiny little f-ing fever. It’s very common for people to run fevers post-chemo so it wasn’t unexpected. It’s just been a lot of sitting around, getting pumped full of anti-biotics and nurturing a wonderful anti-biotic resistant ecosystem in my body. I’m hoping to be discharged on Friday. Here are a few choice tidbits from my stay so far…the exciting event of the day was an MRI which was a pleasant change of scenery. Dinner was a chewy piece of cod fish with some chewy peas. I learned that that wireless interwebs are slow and that if you want to watch an itunes movie tonight you must rent the movie the night before. I confirmed my suspicions that the coffee served to the patients is not the same coffee served to the employees in the cafeteria. According to my Kindle, I am 80% of the way through Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential. The nurse taught me how to get a blood pressure the old school way (the first whoosh is the top number and the last whoosh is the bottom number). The intern this week is quite cute although she almost killed me.* I believe the latter means she likes me. Lastly, some good news from Dana Farber! They want me up in Boston for some pre-transplant tests at the beginning of May. The donor has not been confirmed but the tests mean that things are still moving along. Well, that’s all from room 415, folks. Steven Ps Micki – wtf, where are you finding all of these pictures?!?! *For clarification…before you start rolling your eyes, an intern in the medical world is a first year resident and not an 18 year old tween. Also, I think it very unlikely that it would have actually killed me.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 23:26:52 +0000

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