Day 578 Morecambe to Pilling. I was awake at 05:30 and wrote my - TopicsExpress


Day 578 Morecambe to Pilling. I was awake at 05:30 and wrote my blog then packed. Mal opened the back door for me at 07:00 and cooked me breakfast. I thanked Mal and Colette for looking after me and set off. It was a breezy but nice day. Not long after setting off 2 girls and their children came to say hello. It turns out I used to serve with Pembo who is married to her Mom and shed bought a Staffords flag for me to have a picture with it with the kids. My left ankle hurt pretty much from the off today despite taking my painkillers. I had a short break at a cafe just before Glasson, when I reached Glasson a guy called Steve asked if he could join me which I agreed. He had been following me since reading about me in the Outdoor Fitness magazine. He joined me for an hour and works at a school, he asked if I would mind having a chat with some of his kids on Monday which I also agreed too. I would have liked to reach Knot End today but by the time I got to Pilling I was in agony and was almost out of daylight. Just before I reached the village Pilling a vehicle pulled up and a couple called Vicky and Gaz introduced themselves. Vicky has been following me since day 85 and wanted to tell me that by following my journey I has inspired her to help the homeless. And she is now involved with an organisation helping the homeless in Manchester. I am hoping to join her this coming Monday evening. They bought me tea at the pub The Golden Ball and said goodbye. I spent the evening chatting with the locals before saying goodnight. Behind the pub I found a quiet spot to sleep. I was pretty sure it wasnt going to rain so took the gamble of sleeping under the stars. Ive had lots of People come to say hello and wish me luck today. Thanks for reading xxx
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 07:01:00 +0000

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