Day 59: A busy day. Today was a busy day for myself and the - TopicsExpress


Day 59: A busy day. Today was a busy day for myself and the kids. So although a big day this post will be short as I am exhausted. Abigail: On rounds this morning Abbys high flow was turned down to 7 litres as she had spent most of the night in 23% oxygen. Today on the 7 she ranged from 23-28% but seemed comfortable. Her feeds were increased to 52mls every 3 hours and her biggest news today was having her first breastfeed, she did remarkably well. The plan is to offer breast contact once a day at the moment. She had a few vomits this afternoon after her breastfeed (she still had her full top up) so we know she definitely managed to get something. We enjoyed a lovely cuddle with the high flow and Abigail spent most of the day sleeping. Aiden: Aiden also did very well with a breastfeed today and is having less of his top ups when he has a good feed. We are still only offering him twice a day as to not tire him out too much. Aiden was also seen by physio and now has a peanut pillow to help him with head positioning as he favours one side over the other and this can affect head shape. Our little man also had his two month injections today but did very well with them Ash said (I was down in ed so missed being there for him unfortunately). We also had a lovely cuddle this evening. Today was a great day for the kids. Hoping tomorrow is even better.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:27:02 +0000

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