Day 6 - 3 positives 1. It may have come later in the day but Im - TopicsExpress


Day 6 - 3 positives 1. It may have come later in the day but Im putting it up for the biggest highlight of my day (week, month, year)...Nicole Beavis is awesome (just sayin). This girl works her magic in amazing ways. Mrs Spotlight (Horsham branch) has once again thrown her (their) support behind the Horsham Show with a $2000 prize package for the TRASHY TO FLASHY competition! (Yep, youve got it buy an Op Shop garment and recreate it into something spectacular!) As you can imagine, its taken me awhile to get myself off the floor to write this but seriously, isnt their donation just amazing? Now I must get the details on our Horsham Show FB page and our website. LONG LIVE SPOTLIGHT HORSHAM and their store manager NICOLE! 2. I met the horses taking part in Western Australian man Ian Rettalacks horse-drawn cart as he trips across Australia raising money for cancer research. Theyre having a sleepover at the Showgrounds. Some people do great things. I appreciate that! You can donate to Rattles Ride too....hes got a facebook page. 3. I love my husband very much and am very proud of him. Today is day 2 of no smoking and its a really tough gig for anyone whos addicted to nicotine. But the boys and I are there to support him at all times.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 14:17:13 +0000

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