Day 6 Athens, day 3 Athens Convention. I explained to the nice - TopicsExpress


Day 6 Athens, day 3 Athens Convention. I explained to the nice girl, receptionist what happened yesterday and asked her to explain to the taxi driver he must insist that he drop me off at gate 9. Which she did. The ride was quick and cheaper than the last two days. The attendant argued a bit but the taxi driver insisted so the attendant back down. I went into the wrong disabled section,there was no seats just a low table to sit on. I got talking to a sister from South Carolina. Then I realised I was not where I wanted to be so I rushed out and found where I had been for the past 2 days. So I arrived late. My lovely Greek attendant was there but no seats so I sat on a table with a column I could hold onto if I felt faint. There were plenty more tokens given to me. I had a lot of compliments and people asking to take my photo, why I dont know. I managed to off load my gifts but kept two back for the nice receptionist and the housekeeping girl. The program was excellent again and even though I kept zoning in and out of concentration, I managed the whole morning without going for air. The attendant put lights on today so it helped me a little. I sat with Peggys husband and we agreed the disabled section needed organisations there were people just coming in for the comfort taking the best seats while disabled ones were poorly seated. It was sad to see this. Had my usual, dolmades, tuna & salad. Everyone had delegate lunch packs and they were all looking at my food and saying how nice it was, how healthy and that was what they would have liked instead of bread, bread and stodgy cake. The afternoon session was lovely, the drama was brilliant. We were linked in with Limassol. Todays total attendance was 35,683, 3,900 delegates, 337 baptised. Those baptised were presented with a photograph, nice touch. I met some lovely people mostly from America and Hawaii and I still had ones asking if I was ok after dropping yesterday. Lol I kept looking over at the seat and relived the fall. It is always emotional at the end of a convention, the 400 missionaries that attended, came out in front of the platform. It was nice to see them all. Then the various countries waving to each other, no one wanted to go home. I hiked a lift with Novotel again. I met a sister from Rochester NY on the coach, we exchanged contact details. I stopped for falafel again then I managed to stop a taxi. The driver Alexandro from Albanian was very amorous. He asked me if I was from Cameroon, kept telling me I was beautiful, I didnt know what to say so I kept saying thank you each time. No not thank you he said just beautiful, hes a joker. I tried to pay him and he grabbed my hand and kissed it . Oh my dayz I really didnt need it, I was hot and tired. He wanted my phone number I told him no phone. Any way he gave me his number to contact him to show me around the city and have dinner. Yea right that will never happen in he life time. I felt bad pretending I might just so I can get out, lol. When I went to get out the taxi he grabbed my hand and kept kissing it up to the elbow. Thank goodness I am a Witness, all these interested men I met these few weeks. Having my beliefs makes it easy to just walk away. Oh my goodness so glad to get to my room strip off and cool down & a nice glass of red wine. I cant believe the long awaited convention has come and gone in a flash. The Greek witnesses did a good job hosting. My new sandals did me tour and were a dream to war, so comfortable. I spent the last 2 nights sending thank you emails to the witnesses who gave me gifts and keepsake. More to do tonight.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 16:30:49 +0000

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