Day 6 of my Bali adventure just gets more interesting. Was - TopicsExpress


Day 6 of my Bali adventure just gets more interesting. Was absolutely loving the peaceful vibes on Meno and knew that Id stay there as long as I felt I needed. Well after only 1 cold night sleeping outside protected by nothing than a mossy net, I decided to leave the island and find safety in Ubud. I was woken in the middle of the night by sketchy footsteps of someone walking around my little hut that I was sleeping in. It was pitch black and all I could hear was someone very close. So i slowly peeped out the back and saw a man peeping through the trees only 1m away looking at another bungalow that had their light on. It was eery and didnt feel right but I didnt want him to know I was in the hut so in fear i froze and stayed silent, not moving until daylight hours later. Eventually he left but I was doing the holoponono technique to shift my vibe from fear to love while keeping the only solid object, my torch next to me in case I had to use it in defense. Talk about terror. So as soon as it was morning I got out of there. Sadly leaving but I knew this was my sign. I had to ask my psychic friend if i was actually in danger as my mind was running every negative scenario. She agreed it was safer if i left. So I packed and took the first boat to Bali. I arrived to Ubud feeling really unsettled, no accommodation booked but as soon as i got off the shuttle a young guy asked me if i needed accommodation and that got instantly sorted. Got to my room and cried feeling very unsupported. Then something banged on my door. I go to the window and see a baby monkey trying to get in! i called him over to the window where he tried to squeeze his face through the torn flyscreen but only his little hand would fit. So he held my hand for 10 seconds before i gave him a banana from my bag. The universe showing me I have support all around me. I felt good. I bought an international phone charger adaptor as my phone had died and then went to process and release my fear in a 2 hour massage. I then rented a scoopy scooter and off i went happy as Larry. I love riding a scooter. I was on empty driving around unsuccessfully looking for fuel when i asked God to guide me to petrol. I turned the corner and felt the impulse to ask a young guy for directions. Without speaking too much English and me not knowing any bahasa he jumped on and took me straight to a petrol station. Hallelujia! I then dropped him back at his store and went on my merry way. So its definitely been an interesting day filled with ups and downs and a few tears. But thats the energy of Bali Ive noticed. Never get anything in halves here and your forced to see your shadow in really obvious ways. Ive been shown both sides of the spectrum today...the dark and the light. And it was my lesson to come into the middle; acceptance and love of them both; attached to neither. I know the incidence with the guy will shed more understanding in time but for now a good nights sleep is on the cards! So let the healing begin and I welcome the next level of empowerment.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 12:45:16 +0000

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