Day 62 The power of art Have you ever thought what artworks - TopicsExpress


Day 62 The power of art Have you ever thought what artworks are made for? Or why people spend so much time and money on art? Practically art is useless, you can’t use it for anything. What can you do with Van Gogh painting on your wall, what can you do with a sculpture of Donatello or play of shakespeare? You can’t eat them, you can’t use them as a tool and you can’t fly or ride on them... You might say there is nothing to do with these wonderful artworks but the truth is that these artists contribution to humanity is unmeasurable, in some cases even bigger than the contribution of great scientists and engineers to humanity. Why is that? What makes art so special? Why art has such a magnet power that attract so much of our attention? What is this special magic that art, since the beginning of time have on us and how it all related to what I’m writing about? The special thing about art is that it so hard to be defined and measured. It is very hard to evaluate a good art, there are no fixed definition or criteria by them one can measure piece of art and be sure of its value, some artworks will wait for decades to get the public awareness and to be understood, and some artist will be recognized many years after they passed away. This is the magic of art which is not practical, haven’t been made for a practical use and is totally subjective. Only society may give it a value on a period of time based on totally subjective reasons. So how all of this related to to the world of innovation and entrepreneurship? Any entrepreneur is first of all an artist, what makes him an artist its his ability to sense a need before people may see it. Many of the best ideas haven’t been thought as great idea even by their own creators and they haven’t thought how far they might evolve but still did it the same why real artist do just for the sake of art. Mark Zuckerberg discuss the early days of Facebook, and you’ll hear him say that he knew he wanted to get into tech startups, but he never thought it was going to be Facebook. He figured a social network would be built by a big, multi-billion dollar tech corporation, not him. But still he have started something and evolve, he have started his artwork from something he never thought will grow to what Facebook is today. In Facebooks early days Zuckerberg wrote to his shareholders “Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission – to make the world more open and connected” As you can see Mark Zuckerberg sounds almost like he gave his shareholders mission statement of an artist with a social cause and to my view he definitely is, Mark Zuckerberg have started as an artist. If you wish to be innovator or entrepreneur, think like an artist, you don’t have to be practical, you don’t have to follow the public opinion and you don’t have to seek for social acceptance, think like an artist and make the world your canvas. Art Basel Miami 2014
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:01:00 +0000

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