Day 7--- 4th round of treatment What an awesome weekend !! - TopicsExpress


Day 7--- 4th round of treatment What an awesome weekend !! Sounds crazy that awesome weekend can even be mentioned from someone going through chemo and stuck in the hospital for 30+ days away from her son... but cancer can put life and the little things that mean so much in perspective. You learn quality time and memories not material things are what really matter. You learn to cherish your time with family. For me it was spending the entire weekend with my hubby. As much as I always want him here, he has busy job and I cant be selfish and have him sleep here every day and get 1 or 2 hours of sleep because of blood transfusions, pre-chemo meds, chemo, vitals, and so much more. they have to wake me up for. Plus, driving between Baltimore, Bethesda for work and Ashburn, Virginia… it can take a toll on anyone. Typically, I beg him to go home and get a good nights rest before his work week but this time he stayed. And while Saturday was much of him watching me stay curled up in a ball under the covers saying Im so tired.. why am I sick so soon? or holding my head with a cold wash cloth while I got sick… his comfort made it hurt so much less. By late Saturday I was feeling stronger. Today was even better. We were like kids and decided to unlock the wheels on my bed and roll it over to his fold out chair where he sleeps so we could actually hold hands and watch movies all day long. Of course, we still took breaks to walk and got in a little more than 3 miles. It was perfect! I feel so energized. God has blessed me with an amazing man. He is my rock. God has not only given me strength., but HE has given US strength to get through this together as a team. We will win this battle and come out of this better people. I dont know about you and your wedding day, but when I said I Do and repeated the vows and said In sickness and in health I thought -- of course, I would absolutely take care of the love of my life and he would take care of me but that that wont happen for a long time - perhaps when we are really old and age related issues pop up. Plus, Im super healthy, I drink my green drinks, do my yoga, run, eat clean.. Im good. I never imagined when I looked in Cesars eyes I would be sick so soon. I had our future so well planned or so I thought. Move to Virginia, get a job, have a second baby and it all changed in an instant. Yes, sometimes the best laid plans go awry and you have to roll with it. You panic, accept reality then pick up the pieces and clear the way for a new road, a new chapter in your life you never expected. Thank you so much for all the prayers, love and support. Please #ArmorUp and take care of your health… Get Fit to Fight xoxo Loriana
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 05:16:02 +0000

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