Day 7 What am I thankful for??? It’s so easy to get caught up - TopicsExpress


Day 7 What am I thankful for??? It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day reality that we live in a world that is so very far from perfect. It’s easy to look outside and miss the ‘sun’ shining due to the weeds in the yard. It’s hard to want to get up when the bed is so warm and cozy on a chilly fall morning and the day ahead is filled with a to do list that you know you can’t get done. It’s easy to lose perspective It’s easy to forget to be thankful. It’s easy sometimes to wonder why the children are cranky, tired, crying, mad and simply not thankful and not realize they are merely mimicking the world in which they live. A world not focused on being filled with gratitude for the gift of salvation. This world is not focused on being thankful right now, but that doesn’t mean my home (or your home) can’t be. It just means we have to be intentional about focusing on truth and the good things the Lord has given us. First, He has given us salvation, which we can enjoy through the submission of our lives. He has also given us breath to breathe and a world in which we can seek all that we are through Him. We have that opportunity to see a world beyond the one in which we live and we can share it with our children, and grandchildren. That is where I want to be for the rest of my life. I want my grandchildren to live there, too. I want to help them grow hearts and mind focused on being thankful for the good and the not so good. The good is so easy to be thankful for, isn’t it? I mean, it’s like Christmas morning when we open that gift we always wanted. That’s ‘good’ in the eyes of the world. But, to be thankful for the bad? That only comes from a heart that truly believes in the will of the Father and knowing that we are created for His purpose. Will you join me? Will you join me in this way of living and giving Thanks. This way of saying that no, the bills can’t be paid, the cupboards are growing bear and you don’t like answering the phone because you know it’s someone who needs the money you can’t give them. Or it might be something else. But, I can still give thanks. I can live a life of gratitude and share that hope. Let’s make that something else – regardless of what it is -an opportunity to sit and teach our children and grandchildren to give thanks in all situations.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 12:01:34 +0000

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