Day 7 of Reading the Bible: I am here today to debunk the myth. - TopicsExpress


Day 7 of Reading the Bible: I am here today to debunk the myth. First impression should not and does not matter. Are you kidding me? We as Christians are told and we like sheep believe hook, line and sinker that first impression is the most important thing when beginning a new relationship. Because we believe this lie, we bought the worries about how we should look and how we should present ourselves whenever there is an occasion to begin a new relationship (i.e. interviews, introductions, business developments, etc.) Thats not the worst part. The worst part is WE judge other people for the first impression they project when we meet them. Here is a counterpoint for us from the Bible: Judge not and you will not be judged. Looking back, I was the worst judge. Understandably, I was also very critical of myself. I took the time in the morning to pick out what to wear and make sure that the color, material and the whole assembly coordinate like a professional. And even though I am normally not a judgemental person, many years ago, when my boss made a comment and said Hey Randy, can you help so-and-so dress up?, and I joked back, Well, he is a hopeless case. I might have been joking, and my wife does not want me to be overly critical of myself on these posts, I know such a comment came out from a judgemental vein that I allowed to exist in me. I felt entitled since I was doing okay in that dressing up category to make a joke about others. I dont think that was cool of me to do that. There are countless examples, so I confess to you, that I am guilty of judging others. Sometimes, I told myself, I am paid to judge others, such as when I am interviewing someone. My wife often reminds me about Grace. Where is my grace when I have to judge others? Now that I recall my lack of grace on so many occasions, I am feeling a bit sad about it. I think I should be. Day 7 of reading the Bible, it is written: Do not judge, so that you will not be judged. For with the judgment you use, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye but don’t notice the log in your own eye? Dont judge, instead, Bless. Here is how God blesses people with Christmas and hence, this is the real blessing of Christmas. Are you poor, then God has good news for you. Are you a captive, then God has liberty for you. Are you a prisoner, then God has freedom for you. Are you mourning, then God has comfort for you. Are you in ashes, then God has beauty for you. Are you in pain, then God has festive oil to heal you. Are you in despair, then God has splendid clothes for you. Are you weak, then God will make you as strong as an oak tree. You might be in ruins now, but God will make you rebuilders of ruined cities. You will heal the devastations of many generations. God will make strangers to stand and feed your flocks, and foreigners will be your plowmen and vinedressers. God will restore you to be His priest; they will speak of you as a minister of God; you will eat the wealth of the nations,and you will enjoy their riches. For God said I love justice; but I hate robbery and injustice; I will faithfully reward you and make an everlasting covenant with you. Your descendants will be known among the nations, and your posterity among the peoples. All who see you will recognize that you are a people the Lord has blessed. Blessings of Christ to you my friends.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:13:32 +0000

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