Day 7 –Sept. 27 Cody, Wy to Lander, Wy est. 279 Most of my - TopicsExpress


Day 7 –Sept. 27 Cody, Wy to Lander, Wy est. 279 Most of my mornings have been all about routine, this day however I have a list of things to get accomplished and I’ll need to reroute my trip to avoid the coming rain. I’m up and moving by 8, coffee awaits me in at the Office. With quarters for laundry and a few brochures on Cody’s attractions, I settle in and wait for the spin cycle. I woke with full intensions of taking a full day to make my way thru Yellowstone National Park followed by stay in West Yellowstone for the next two days. But the weather forecast shows rain will settle in to linger in Yellowstone for at least three days. This storm leaves me little choice but to head west, cram in Yellowstone and get South of the storm before tomorrow. There is only one problem left to address. With two hundred dollars in my pocket and a debit card that no longer works I call Cari to make a plan. We beat around several option and decide Western Union will be the easiest and I got the go ahead that funds were ready for pick up this morning. Next stop the convenient store where the friendly attendant offered me a beautiful little package containing a debit card. Instructions were to call the number and they will transfer my money onto the card, I’m delighted. This means no more of pre pay for gas, retrieve the change routine leaving my bike and possessions at the pump. Of course twenty minutes later the customer service representative at the call center informs me I’m a cash pick up only. Super Kmart it is, with no luck there either. The compassionate lady working the customer service desk tells me there is no one working today that knows how to pay out Western Union nor do they have five hundred dollars to give me at the moment. Of course, I let her know of my disgust and that their incompetence is now halting my Yellowstone experience. Screw it, I’ll deal with it tomorrow. I pass Ponderosa Campgrounds on my way out of town and honk goodbye. Less than thirty minutes later I pull off and snap a picture of Buffalo Bill Reservoir, from here Yellowstone lies just ahead. Wyoming does not disappoint, and today proves to be another jaw dropping visual explosion. The Holy City, a rock formation resembling the ancient city of Jerusalem is one of many stops as I make my way around Yellowstone Lake. I have entered the east entrance of Yellowstone and will exit thru the south entrance, a very worthwhile twenty dollar toll. Normally, this route of travel would call for an easy stop at Old Faithful; however the road is currently closed for repair. As if I needed another reason to visit again I can’t help but think how much sweeter it will be to make this trip with Cari. I make my way thru Yellowstone and enjoy views of the Teton Mountains and Lake Jackson. The Wyoming Centennial Scenic Byway will take me to my next destination, on my way I’ll cross the continental divide and climb to over 10,000 feet. I stop in Dubois, Wy and look into a cabin for the night, I’ve already made arrangements in Lander and I’ll feel way too guilty if I call and cancel. I press on with dusk approaching and the ride thru Dubois is absolutely amazing. It’s another one of those dead phone days and I’m disappointed I don’t have the option to stop and snap a picture or two; but it’s actually a blessing because I don’t have the time to burn either. I was warned about the deer today when making overnight reservations and now my estimated time of arrival was right in line with their peak activity. The deer crossing signs here all have a standard yellow flashing light on them but what takes it to the next level are the red flags they install when the deer are especially heavy. White knuckling my way down the highway, I join the tail end of a pack of 8 Harleys about 30 miles from my destination. They lead me with signs and signals from the front of the pack to alert everyone to the deer on the right and we pass cars like a swarm of bees, racing the sun once again. I pull into Sleeping Bear RV Park, completely exhausted tonight and for the first time a bit homesick. After a shower, I head to the Hitching Rack Restaurant next door where a bar seat awaits complete with a gentleman seated at the end of the bar, black cowboy hat, fresh pressed white button up tucked in sipping whiskey. I glance briefly at him and take my seat, and it’s very evident I’m far from home. The one glance I took of the cowboy at the end of the bar was eating me up; he looked in that very short second very much like George Straight. I was sure it wasn’t but I was resisting the urge to look again, you see this is a short bar and he is only two or three bar stools down leaning against the wall facing me. Tommy is tending bar tonight and greets me with the question, “what’s going on tonight?” I reply “not much, just passing thru”. Conversation does not slow and it’s not long before I get reassurance that the stranger at the end of the bar is in fact not George Straight. I enjoy dinner, more beers, and rewarding conversation as the evening slips away. I get advice for my next days travels, well wishes and goodnights from the staff and retreat to my cabin.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 03:43:15 +0000

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