Day 75 what is the purpose of life? Today I would like to - TopicsExpress


Day 75 what is the purpose of life? Today I would like to summarise 75 of posts I have shared with you in the last two and a half months. For me it was a great writing experience, it help me a lot to sharpen my questions about the art of Passion, Joy and Success, questions I’m searching for answer about for many years. When I’m looking back on this period of time, since I met Rehan Allahwala in Istanbul I can only thank him and you as well for the opportunity you gave me to share my thoughts, questions and ideas. By sending comments and asking questions, by sending me words of greetings and support and just by being here with me in the group. The fact that you have been here gave me the reason to write to you and for my self. When I browsed over my posts I could see that the question of meaning is touching all of them, almost any post is touching the purpose of what we are as people doing, why we are doing things, why we have passion for something, why we love, what gives us joy, what give us this feeling of success. All these posts helped me to crystallise these questions to one question that Rehan asked me in our meeting: What is the Purpose of Life? at the time I wasn’t sure I can give him an answer to such a big questions and I trade his question with a story about a man that searched all over the world for the purpose of life but was left with the enigmatic answer: https://youtube/watch?v=beeL0OrtrEw Today I feel that I finally, after all these days of writing have a clear answer to Rehan question, it is something I only had theoretical idea about, I also read few books dealing with the idea and many philosophers struggled with as well for thousands of years, but I couldnt fully understand it without experiencing it emotionally. Without writing to you I’m not sure I could get to distinguish between the logical part of this question and the emotional part of it since such a knowledge doesn’t come only by thinking, I could think about it forever and never get it.... Our logic is limited and in order to fully understand things we have to really feel them not only to understand them, we have to become familiar with them, to have intimacy with them and this part of getting familiar is not only about logic but also about experience, and that is the most important thing I have learned when I really touched the question of what is the purpose of life. I can’t understand how to love my kids just by reading a book about how to raise childrens. I can’t understand how to get close to my friends just by sharing logical ideas with them or to learn about it in the academy. I can’t learn how to play piano, just by studying it theoretically without to feel and touch the piano with my hands. I can’t learn theoretically how to drive a car without holding the steering wheel on the road. I can’t become familiar with my mother and father without being with them and hug them and taking care for them like they took care for me. I can’t know people around me without sharing with having our moment together, without being committed to be there for them. Without giving them my promise that I’m with them and feeling the same from them. So this is the purpose of life, so simple that anyone has this answer on the palm of his hand the purpose of life is to become familiar and closer with everything which is around us, the things, the animals, the people, and not only by thinking about it but by experiencing it in giving it our full commitment. The is the only way we can give and be given Love, this is all about Passion, Joy and Success. I’m going to take some time now to think and reflect about the last 75 days and I will come back soon. I would like to thanks you for the time we spent together. Arnon
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 16:01:09 +0000

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