Day +78 Happy New Year everyone! The past two weeks have been so - TopicsExpress


Day +78 Happy New Year everyone! The past two weeks have been so nice, spending extra time together, all five of us in one place. Weve also had frequent visits from Papa and Gummy. Julian continues to have good stability in his cell counts and his electrolytes. We had a clinic appointment yesterday, and I was certain that he was going to be admitted. On Wednesday evening, Julian had some diarrhea, and by Thursday night, it was very frequent. He was also vomiting some, though for the most part, he kept down whatever he was taking in orally. I was so happy when the doctor said that he did not need to be admitted, as he looked well hydrated, did not have a fever, and had good energy. She was guessing that the source of his diarrhea and vomiting was probably some kind of a virus. They took a stool sample at clinic and said that if he had something treatable, I would get a call to pick up a prescription. I have not heard anything, so my guess is that whatever it is, it is not something that is really on the radar. It is, however, hanging on pretty well. There is still a possibility of GVHD, but the doctor did not think it was very likely. We will see how he is doing by Tuesday, which is his next appointment. I really hope that he feels better soon. He is not sleeping well, since we are up so many times during the night. We have received some cards and packages, and I want to thank everyone who has sent something. Since we have had mail coming home and to the apartment here, I will miss people if I try to list them all here, but I am taking down addresses to send individual thank yous. I do have to mention the Packer outfit that Julian got in the mail yesterday, however. It made me smile! Julian wore it today, but sadly, he leaked onto the pants, so I will have to try to get a picture of him wearing it next Sunday! :) He now has a total of four yellow shirts, which is good, since they are his favorites. I hope the start of 2015 finds you all happy and in good health. I would like nothing more than to have the most boring year ever! Julians bone marrow biopsy is just a week and a half away now, and if all is well, we will be able to go home after we get the results. It has been a long five months, but it has gone quickly. Please continue to keep him in your prayers as the big day approaches. We are so grateful for all of you! The Andrews
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:58:47 +0000

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