Day 78 of AD 2014, #WordFromCurtis is... SETTING THE RECORDS - TopicsExpress


Day 78 of AD 2014, #WordFromCurtis is... SETTING THE RECORDS STRAIGHT (two wrongs, no right: just be at church) But if wed examine ourselves wed not be judged by d Lord. Yet whn were being judged by d Lord, were being disciplined so dat well not be condemned wid d world. - 1 Cor 11:31-32 Many a modern day Christian is confused abt d Ordinance of d Holy Communion. Note dat: 1. Its not a table laid for some highly anointed, specially graced & anointed members of d church as a reward for their unflinching service to d Lord 2. Its not a means of vendetta for some highly privileged church leader to get back at his perceived opponents 3. Its an event meant to do two things: (a) remind & empower us concerning Christs death (b) nourish our mortal beings by connecting our spirits more to d Lord *Except a saint serving suspension were all to fully participate knowing dat its a check on our spiritual standing wid d Lord. However, mk sure u approach it wid no stain (THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM IS). Many choose to stay at home whn dey feel smth dey v done mks dem unworthy. Thats unfortunate. - which patient treats himself in d hope of getting better so dat hed show himself to d doc later? -who tries reparing his faulty car so dat hed show it to d mechanic later? -btwn us & God, who hs d power to change a life or help a persons life turn around? Be at church on such days; ud be challenged to see others participate so ud be able to shrug off d impediment. The sermon of d day too may convict u unto repentance so ud be able to participate. And oh d prayer & worship will surely draw u closer to d One whos able to QUALIFY us Indeed u disqualified ursef by sinning but u cant qualify ursef by absenteeism. Be present so His presence may do u d honor May Jesus help us honor His ordinances & not be impeded by them as we strive to make Heaven. Alleluia!!! -Pr Curtis Ahenkan- #TonicForRighteousLiving (WEDNESDAY DOSE)
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 05:03:39 +0000

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