Day 8: I am thankful for our sweet and wonderful Brent Sumner. - TopicsExpress


Day 8: I am thankful for our sweet and wonderful Brent Sumner. He has been in this family a whole 16 years and is smarter than most his age. He has been able to pester and aggravate Kaylee and Sarah in this life, just like a real little brother. Now he has gotten all grown up and taken on the ways of an ‘older soul’ because he also has had the good raising of his mom and our beloved late Suzanne. She was the best Nana ever and she taught him many things in the short time they had together. I remember the day he was born, she met me at the door with tears and said, isn’t he the most beautiful baby boy you ever saw, and I said, he sure is. Its unfortunate and unfair that we don’t all get to keep our grandparents until we are grown, but as life is not always what we except, I will say he drew some pretty amazing traits from his ‘Nana’ first and foremost, he wants to help people. He sees people and he feels that inner compassion, that many his age never know. I remember once when we were in OKCity it was so hot, and an elderly man was walking on the highway with a suitcase and he told his mom…. ‘look at that poor man’ He felt so sorry for him, and if not mistaken I think Laura ended up calling the highway patrol to let them know of the mans whereabouts so they could go help him, and so that Brent would not worry. He has that spirit to do for others and that’s a direct heart of Suzanne, as even though she is not with us, she still left a huge part of her heart here in the ones she nurtured including Brent, he shows a lot of her traits. Then he also had the additional good raising of Bo and in that he developed the ‘go get it done’ attitude. You don’t sit still, you get things done. Brents dad, is also like this, busy all day doing things and between that and his great grandmother, he can get things done. He is one who wants to get the work done first and then play. I have not seen many young people who focus on work first. He works very hard in school, he works hard at home, he does things for his family and I know without a doubt if I ever needed help, I could just call him. Matter a fact, he told me a while back, that he would be glad to take me to the spring to haul water, and I told him I may take him up on that sometime. I know if I needed that help and he was able to do it, that he would. He is trustworthy with his work, and he is a family member you can put trust in. He loves to tease me, and not many can make me laugh but Brent can. He is now into his Junior year of school and we are all proud of how responsible he is. I know when he was little I used to scare him, like I do my own grandbabies. Its just my tone I guess, but I recall one day Laura called me and told me she told Brent that if he didn’t clean up his room she was taking him to Donna’s house and he cried and said ‘no no no he would clean his room’ ……….. When we went to Galveston, Brent was little and he just loved to pester me. He had overcome the ‘fear’ of me that all kids seem to have, but he and I argued over who got to ride ‘shotgun’ I always would win, but this day he hollered Shotgun and I just took off running and I beat him there. Yeah quite the site, and he laughed so hard. I told him, ‘THERE that was settled I get shotgun the rest of the trip’. We still like to pick a little on front seat, but now that he drives, I guess we both get shotgun………and Laura sits in the back. What a trooper she is. Brent is also like a walking road map. Who needs a Garmin or Tom Tom when you have him in the car. I have not ever seen anything like it in my life, since he was little he could read road signs and tell you how to get where you were going. He is very smart with traveling and I would ride with him any day. I am sure everyone in my family will agree that we are all thankful for Brent and the part he plays in all our lives. He is important to me and dearly loved and I am thankful to be a part of his life.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 14:02:10 +0000

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