Day 8: Im thankful today for gifts and talent. While we dont all - TopicsExpress


Day 8: Im thankful today for gifts and talent. While we dont all poses all the gifts or all the talent in anything, we are all however blessed with our own gifts and our own talents and those make us all who we are. As unique as our fingerprint. Day 7: Im thankful today for my amazing Mother who is celebrating her --rd Birthday today. She is the most loyal, God fearing, Honest, caring women I know. If you dont know her you have truly missed out. I just want you to know Mom that I have NEVER forgot your sacrifice. I know it wasnt easy raising 4 kids as a single parent but you never quit even when most would have. I know I tell you often Tony is just like you and I still think thats the case however I think Shawn has a lot of the same spiritual qualities and especially that soft spot for youth. Tonya, who you had to let go to be with the Lord, she had your love of people. She always seemed to find the good in them and the situations, much like you did even with her passing and continue still to do. Me, you gave me strength. Life is what it is and you made me strong, a fighter and a survivor. While each of your children poses pieces of those qualities they as whole make you the most amazing person I know and I feel TRULY blessed to have you as my Mother. I hope your day is as amazing as I think you are. Day 6: Im thankful for the amazing people I work with. I cant think of a better bunch of team members I would rather spend my day with. Anna Parker, Taylor Kirsch, Robin Sommer, Scott Johnson and Josh Waynick. You guys make me proud and I am blessed to be around to watch you grow into the awesome professionals I know you are. Day 5: Im thankful for FREEDOM and those who have fought so that I can be free. While I often say we are not truly free; you cant really say or do what you want because of the repercussions that could come. It is however the closet thing this world has to offer and for someone like myself (type A personality) this is top of my list of things I am thankful for even more so because I am a woman. Day 4: I’m thankful for my family. My husband Jamie, He is the constant in my life. Through all the trials and tribulation he has always been the steady ground beneath my feet and I can’t imagine my life without him. My two children, Josh and Cortney, oh how I love you two! With every ounce of my being; you are the best surprises of my life. When I look at you two, who are as night and day I can’t wait to see where your life’s’ along with your spouses Kayla and Thom are going to take you and I feel so blessed to be your mom. My awesome 3 grandchildren( thank you Joshua, and no hurry Cortney lol), Matthew who I haven’t seen in over 2 years now but I am sure his mom is raising a fine young man. Mason and Carlie who are teach me something new every day. God has purpose in everything! Day 3: Im thankful for all those BAD CHOICES. Those choices have shaped who I am, what I believe in and set my path with clearer perspective. Some of my worst choices have been my greatest blessings. Day 2: Im thankful for my parents. I wasnt ever easy and Im thankful . Day 1: Im thankful first for God because without him there would be no me. Im thankful he thought I was worth the thought .
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 22:25:58 +0000

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