Day 8: One Day, One Step, One Journey Well, yesterday we had - TopicsExpress


Day 8: One Day, One Step, One Journey Well, yesterday we had our team meeting to discuss my progress thus far. The members of the team were Dr. Barnwell, the resident attending physician, Dr. Varagason, a member of the PT staff as well as several other members of the staff that are responsible for reporting to the insurance my status, any and all progresses that I have made plus any setbacks I may have had during the last week. All in all, the meeting was positive and upbeat with positive things to report to the insurance company. This week will be more challenging as I move onto the one legged stand, turning and pivoting using my leg to stand with and arms to transition from sitting to standing and to moving from different positions in an effort to prepare me for the real world. A challenge indeed... The weight bearing boot arrived yesterday and the staff was all excited to see how it fit and what I was able to do with it. Dr. Varagason went straight to work making sure it fit, cinching up all the straps and Velcro closures on the boot and then it was my turn to go to work and boy did I work. Straight to the parallel bars I went. After discussing, instruction, and uncertainty I was standing on one leg, using my arms support but I was again standing. Dr. Matt had me up and down several times. Each time was a little easier and a little longer, but I know it will get easier and I will get better as I progress and will learn but it was still scary. Dr. Varagason was right there to cheer me and assist me with the gait belt if I needed assistance with little to no assistance was needed. That was a good exercise. Now, a not so good exercise was next. We went out into the hallway of the ward, I knew was what was next. Time to pull Dr. Varagason around the ward while he rode on a stool but this time I could use only be leg as a form of power to motor around the ward. I had to extend my right leg as far as I could and then bring it back in order to pull myself and Dr. Matt around the ward. That was an exercise. I could feel the burning and pulling in all muscles of my right quadriceps, heck, by the time I was done, all muscles in my leg was aching and ready to lay down but low and behold in pops Carrie, it was time for my shower. Normally I really like my shower time but with the addition of the large boot with all its closures and velcro straps and closures it was not fun. I had to remove the boot and then after the shower I had to put the boot back on, secure the straps and close the velcro closures, not fun but something I am going to have to get used to and be able to do by myself. After that I was wiped out, I was exhausted and ready for this day to be over. I had good visits yesterday, my mom and dad came by to cheer me on during my occupational therapy and stayed with me while we ate lunch in the dining room. Also, Sgt. Geoffery Weise from the Amarillo Office was in town and stopped by to see me. We talked about how things have changed in the Amarillo service are in just 5 years and what he had to do as the sergeant in that area. It was a very good visit and it was GREAT to see him again. Tracy Williams of the Brazoria County Sheriff[s Office came by to see me put I had just went back for my shower so we visited on the telephone. The last visitor of the day was Brandy Follin and her daughter Emily. We visited for about an hour about all kinds of good stuff. I was a great visit and glad she come by. I really enjoyed the visits by all of them and I appreciate all of them coming by. It was a good day but one that was filled with pain and exercise but that is what I am here for. Until tomorrow, heres hoping everyone has a great day! Remember: One Step at a Time!
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 12:35:49 +0000

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