Day +8.... Well here we are on day +8 and I have to say that - TopicsExpress


Day +8.... Well here we are on day +8 and I have to say that Calvin is doing the best out of all of us.... He is my biggest hero right now and is fighting a fight that none of could probably imagine going through... Hes on an average of about 6-7 medications sometimes 4-5 going in at one time, mouth, throat and possible stomach sores, and is still smiling, laughing and playing and eating.. No hair but doesnt care, and is living in a crib,in a room the size of some of your walk in closets... Again still smiling... And giving out love to all that come to him.. Is there something to learn here folks??? Im sure humble at the end of the day.. This child of mine is a fighter, a warrior, and most of a hero... We should all learn through a sick child that life is priceless, life doesnt need extra stuff, who cares what we look like... But if we have the love we will thrive... The last two days have been challenging and Ive had some time away from the hospital but when I come back and Calvins eyes light up and the smile is from ear to ear, my heart melts and breaks all at the same time... He shouldnt have to go through this but he is, and I cant change it but I will continue to love him, nurture him, pray for him and most of show the world that sickness doesnt keep a boy down.. I love you sweet Calvin, thank you for keeping me humble and for showing me that nothing else matters... Its been a trying couple of days, terry has a stomach bug and has been away for a few days, dalton is still not good and throwing up, so maybe he has a touch of the same bug, I am emotionally drained, and Nana is healthy but comes and helps for a few days and then goes home to her regular job and works nights to get her shifts in, to turn around and come and do it all over again... Thank goodness she is around cause you really need the third person, especially when one of the main crew is out of commission.. But what is weighing most on heart today is how naive I have been in the past to people who have had sick children... My heart is heavy for my cousins Grant and Larisa, who fought hard for their sweet little daughter Jane to beat cancer but in the end fought a good fight and earned her angel wings at the tender age of three.. How we have no idea how people struggle until we walk a mile in their shoes.. We have no idea the battle until we are there... Calvin doesnt have cancer but the bone marrow and treatment he is receiving is exactly if not even more than those with cancer.... The risks involved are no different from one to another here... These kids are fighting to survive and I will NEVER take anyones journey for granted again... I will not turn my back cause I have no idea what they are going through, I will not feel that because Im too far away theres nothing I could possibly do, and I will not avoid someone cause I dont know what to say.. Im sorry for peoples ignorance when times get tough and Im sorry if in the past you have struggled I wasnt there... From a broken heart, Im truly sorry.. I will never judge a persons journey again... And I will continue to ask God to keep me this humble because this is where its at... The innocence of a child... To love, to be loved and to be happy.. Thats it... Dont take life for granted... Ive seen two children here loose their battles to their diseases and both families had healthy children and with the snap of a finger, life changed for everyone... You just never know what your battle may become and I pray that none of you have to face anything like this, but if you do, know that I will be there to fight the fight with you because my eyes have been opened and my heart is heavy.. Please for the love of humanity, become humble, your heart may hurt, but thats okay because in the end it teaches us something... Much love and blessings to you all... Xox
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:39:06 +0000

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