Day 8 Windermere to Dumfries (77 miles) with Lee Wardle Steven - TopicsExpress


Day 8 Windermere to Dumfries (77 miles) with Lee Wardle Steven Oates and Matt Garrod Before I begin Day 8’s blog, I would like to start by saying that we have dedicated this day of our journey 10th August 2014 to Noreen Greenacre. She lost her husband Phil to SUDEP some years ago and has provided the most amazing support and indeed sponsorship to our challenge. It only seems fitting then to dedicate the day in which we cross the border to Scotland to Noreen, in memory of Phil. So, how about day 8? Well the predominant word to describe this day was WET! IT was raining when we awoke, and didn’t stop raining at all throughout a long hard ride. We all agree we have done longer days, but never have we completed a more difficult and physically draining day! We began by crossing the mountain ranges surrounding the lakes. Boy that was tough! 25 miles of long arduous climbing. The hills seemed never ending, and just when you thought you might be reaching the top, more peaks stretched out before us as far as the eye could see. The route however offered up some of the most beautiful views across the Cumbrian landscape. It was the kind of idyllic view that you associate with photoshopped picture postcard. Matt has taken some amazing stills as well as video of some of the route. I look forward to seeing them some time soon. Once we did reach the summit, we were treated to a long downhill segment which was at 20% for most of the way down! Let me tell you, it takes a braver man than me to let go of your grip on the brakes when making that decent. At times, only a 3ft high wall stood between us and a crazy drop to the left!! Now once that was complete and we had re-grouped at the bottom to share our experience, it was on for the final 50 mile segment of today’s cycle. We know that in 25 miles we would reach the border of Scotland and that spurred us on through the rain and cold. It was so cold, you could be forgiven for thinking we were in January, rather than the height of summer mid August! So on we rode, and I think it fair to say that we all struggled a little. Before we knew it however, we could see the border come in to view. Here we all were stood at the Welcome to Scotland sign outside the ‘First in Last Out’ chapple famous for all those marriages since 1830, due to the difference in Scottish marital law. It was a moment of contemplation for us all, not because of being outside the chapple, but the realisation I think hit home that we had now cycled from Lands End across the border to Scotland! It was an amazing feeling. I have to admit, following 8 days of tough work I had a little moment as I cycled on from the border and silently contemplated why I was doing this challenge in the first place. The image of Nathan came in to my head and his smiling approval gave me strength to continue! The rain continued to beat down as we began our last stretch of 25 miles. Luckily, this last stretch was relatively flat, but it was about to become to the toughest part of my personal challenge. Reaching the point where I had only 8 miles left to cycle, and now on a very busy fast A road, I began to feel the signs of dehydration set in. Stopping was hardly an option due to the road we were on. I saw myself slip further and further away from Lee and Steve, and as I had given my phone to Matt to take care of due to it getting very wet, I had no way of calling them. I felt the back of my head pounding, and found it difficult to focus on the road. I did take several drinks of water, but by this time that was really not helping much. Had I have recognised the signs a little earlier then perhaps I could have prevented it. But here I was, physically and mentally exhausted, riding this manic road, and everything becoming a blur! It was a few miles later that in the distance I could see the familiar sign of a Travellodge come in to view. I don’t think I have ever been so relieved to see a Travellodge in my entire life. So at the end of day 8, and we are now beginning the countdown towards the end of our journey. How do I feel? Well, truly, I am loving it, yes it’s tough, but then that’s why it’s called a challenge! I can tell you unreservedly, that I wouldn’t change a thing. Soon, this will be over, but before that time, I am sure we will face many other challenges and gain yet more life changing experiences. So I say, bring on day 9!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:59:41 +0000

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