Day 9...MK FESTIVAL OF RUNNING 5K DONE!! What a brilliant day. The - TopicsExpress


Day 9...MK FESTIVAL OF RUNNING 5K DONE!! What a brilliant day. The sun was shining and the Winslow Warriors hit MK! We all did amazingly and lots of PBs. My foot didnt hurt one bit and its not hurting now. whoop whoop! I was with an amazing bunch and we had a great laugh. We cheered in all the Warriors and lots of other running buddies. Sadly we saw a couple of people collapse from dehydration. Hope they are alright. Just shows you that its so important to prepare for a race before and during and of course afterwards. A few of us feel that there wasnt enough water stations about along the route as it was a warm day. God, whats it going to be like running in the summer lol. we moan whether its hot or cold lol. Looking forward to the efforts session tmra night with the Warriors and hopefully now ive decided to stop zumba on a monday for a while my foot will be ok and I can really focus on this half marathon training. I feel that as a monday is a very busy and long day that come zumba time my foot is ready to explode lol. Its all trial and error and a process of elimination to see when and why my foot hurts the most. Its a shame as I bloody love zumba but I really want to be ready for the half marathon. BUT, if I dont feel ready and its too much training to soon for my foot then there is always a half marathon in June. It doesnt matter when I do it as long as I do one this year. My health is more important. Anyway, A HUGE well done to everyone that ran today, in any race. We are brill! xx
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 16:48:02 +0000

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