Day Fifteen Hi family. Good to have you with us on the web again - TopicsExpress


Day Fifteen Hi family. Good to have you with us on the web again today. We are going to have a look at the second purpose of fasting in Isaiah 58:6. Isaiah 58:6 (NKJ) Is this not the fast that I have chosen: 1. To loose the bonds of wickedness, 2. To undo the heavy burdens, 3. To let the oppressed go free, 4. And that you break every yoke? Let’s look today at #2 - to undo the heavy burdens. Many people live under heavy burdens. A person who is burdened is weighed down by something. Some burdens are self-imposed. Some burdens exist in the natural, such as a burden of debt. Some burdens exist in the spiritual realm such as the concern of a unsaved child, or illness in the family, or marriage problem or something related to your business. Anything that causes you to have concern and a heaviness is a burden. Now every person has difficult times in life and there’s no way we can avoid all problems. But praise the Lord, there is an answer to all of our troubles. God responds very quickly to prayer and fasting. It releases God’s burden-destroying power. Psalm 55:22a (NLT) Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. So what is causing you heaviness today? What is causing you to stress? Give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you. The Bible says in Psalm 55:22b (NLT) He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. Listen to this amazing testimony from Bill Wiese. Before Bill went into ministry he was in real estate. Before Bill Wiese went into the ministry he was in real estate. One year when it came time to prepare his tax return he discovered that he owed $45 thousand dollars over and above his quarterly estimates that had to be paid. He said he didn’t have the money and the forty five thousand dollars was due April 15 which was in two and a half weeks time. You talk about stress – you talk about a heavy burden. He knew the only way he could have a supernatural breakthrough was through prayer and fasting. He decided to go on a 3 day fast. On the second day of the fast he received a call from a past client who just wanted to say “hello.” He had mentioned that he had been looking for a home on the ocean during the past six months. Bill said – “Well, why didn’t you tell as I would have found you one.” He said, “Bill to get a good oceanfront home you really need to specialize in that area. You don’t work in that area, so you wouldn’t get the inside scoop.” And he was right. However, Bill said, “Let me go and see if I can find a home for you.” This gentleman said that he had looked at everything on the market for the last six months with some of the top specialists in that area and had not seen what he was looking for. “So you see Bill,” he said, “you can’t show me anything I haven’t seen already.” And Bill said, “Well, I will just go and try and find you something.” On the second day of his search which was the third day of his fast – he came across a home that was a famous historic landmark in the city. It was the old Betty Davis Estate. He called his friend and he asked, “Has anyone showed you this home?” His friend said, “No, no one has bothered to show me that as it is a famous property and nobody even considered it.” Bill drove his client to the house, walked in the front door and immediately his client liked it. And he said, “This is it Bill, I am going to buy this house and I’m going to pay cash within two weeks.” He closed the deal two days prior to his due date of April 15. His commission check was $54,000 which was enough for his tithe and to pay the tax bill. Thank God – God lifted a heavy load off his shoulders. God undid the heavy burden. Family - what God did for Bill – God can do for you too. If you need a financial breakthrough fasting and prayer will put you in a position, I believe, for God’s supernatural power to work on your behalf. Good job everybody!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 09:23:06 +0000

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