Day Fifteen Loving God God is love -- and He requires love from - TopicsExpress


Day Fifteen Loving God God is love -- and He requires love from us. Moses proclaimed this to the people of Israel. Jesus quoted this verse as the Greatest Commandment. For the Christian, loving God comes before anything else in life. The familiar Sunday school song says, Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so. We know that Jesus loves us because the Word of God declares it. Throughout the Bible we see the progressive revelation of Gods love for us. That love is culminated in the death of Jesus on the cross for the sins of mankind. The Bible tells us that, God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). If you were the only person on Earth who would accept Christs sacrifice on the cross, He would have died for you. In the light of Gods love for you and me, it is important to examine our love for Him. Do we love Him above all others? Above our families? Above our earthly pursuits? Above ourselves? Go to God in loving adoration today. Tell Him how very much you love Him! Memorize this quick reminder: God is first, others are second, I am third. You can remember it by using the acrostic J.O.Y. -- Jesus first, Others second, You are third. When we keep the Lord first we experience true JOY in life! ACTION: What are you putting before the Lord? Do you love the pursuit of money or career? Do you love your dreams of a better future? Is there a person you are putting above the Lord as an idol? Search your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there is anything that is taking precedence over the Lord. Repent for any form of idolatry in your life, and ask the Lord to rule on the throne of your heart. PRAYER: Lord, help me to make you first in my life. I repent for any way that I have placed myself on the throne of my life. I want you to truly be the Lord. As John the Baptist declared, I must decrease, and You must increase. I pray that in every way you would have first place in my life.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:45:25 +0000

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