Day Fifty-Nine Update on Simon and Mochi. Mochi is home! Managed - TopicsExpress


Day Fifty-Nine Update on Simon and Mochi. Mochi is home! Managed to give her a bath f/b nebilizer treatment, suctioning and stoma care. She actually has quite a good cough on her own but requires the suction to remove the secretions. She was so, so hungry and just wants to eat and sleep now. I cant believe the difference in her energy level now that she can breathe. She actually ran back inside after going out for a potty break. It was all she could do just to walk prior to surgery. She also looks so much younger. She looked like a 15-year-old Chin since the day we first began fostering her and now she looks her age or younger (she is 8). She still has a long road on her way to recovery and her first follow up appointment is next week when the stoma sutures will be removed. She does have a slight issue with the movement of some of her skin folds which compromise the airway a little. We are trying to figure out a way to gently pull the fur and skin taut on her upper back so that the stoma heals properly. I have tried a hair clip and covered hair ties(per UW Madisons suggestion) but they dont stay in place well and Mochi will have no part of it. Any suggestions? Baby Emilys pathology report came back benign so its just a pigmentation color change as suspected. Thank goodness! Simon, Chandler, Joey and Emily dont quite know what to think about Mochi and Simon gets upset when Mommy has to perform Mochis care. Mochi doesnt want anything to do with any of them (even Simon) and just wants Mommy or Daddy. She snaps at the other Chin if they try to get too close to her. I think that will pass as she recovers and starts to feel better. Nothing much is new on my lunatic neighbor.They are at work so theres always tonight. I just know hes up to something as his garage door was left open all night the past 2 nights. He finally closed it when he went to work this morning. The police have been notified so if something happens they are aware. I found out that he was just rambling away and not making any valid points when the officer talked to him the other day(my husband knows the officer who was here and talked to him about it). The officer said he was different and did take notice that he was dressed like Rambo and was chopping down the tree with an ax. Unfortunately, all we get is nothing can be done except to call the police if he does it again. Once again, thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers for Mochi and Emily. Mochi and Emily are proof of the power of prayer.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 20:48:19 +0000

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