Day One : Ariving in Newfoundland was amazing. The smell of - TopicsExpress


Day One : Ariving in Newfoundland was amazing. The smell of salt water hit me as soon as I got out of the plane, even the snowflakes tasted like salt. After 14 hours of travelling I got to Nans house at 3am (1030pm PG time), I pretty much went straight to bed. Took a bit to get to sleep but I managed. I woke up today at about 11am (630am PG time) and started my day. Got ready in a jiffy and went into town to go visit Poppy at the home. He didnt really know who I was but he was still funny as hell and he sure commented on my height a lot. He asked me how long I was home for and where I was living now which all sounded so cute - when I said PG he made a point to tell me to look up my dad and uncle and call them savages, ha. We had a great time and he seems to be doing quite well. I could tell by the way he talked to Nanny how much he loved her. He blew me away with the love for that woman, it was something straight out of a Nicholas Sparks novel. It almost made me tear up a few times to see, it was one of the most beautiful things Id seen. After a nice long visit with Poppy, Nanny and I went to the store to pick up some fruit and eggs. We came back home and had soup which was amazing: moose steak and salt meat I believe, then we had dessert - yes, Nanny has dessert after lunch... Hello Heaven. At 330pm (11am) I went for a nap and didnt wake up until dinner time at about 530pm (1pm) which was also amazing. Cod, potatoes and turnip! Of course I wake up for food, get real. There was apple pie and ice-cream for dessert, both of which Nanny has stock piled in her baking deepfreeze - the other is for meat : my kinda freezers. Nans friend Donna came over for dinner and we had a good time chatting. She too commented on how tall I am, she said how much I looked like a Stratton which was pretty cool. Donna lives a few houses down from here and she used to work at a pub that my dad and uncles used to frequent. She promised to take me down to it one night this week which Im really looking forward to as all the regulars know my dad! She left and Nanny and I spent some time visiting. She told me stories about my dad and uncles and her life with my grandfather. My Uncle Wayne and Aunty Pat stopped by for a quick visit. They where on their way back from visiting Poppy as well so we talked about him for a bit, they too, as everyone else, also commented on my height, then they pointed out that Nanny had wifi and asked if I had figured out how to use it. Im hella stoked they pointed it out cause I dont think Nanny clued in that wifi meant internet, and with my cellphone service being so spotty in the house I would have probably not been able to be online at all this week! (Although I dont intend to be on very much this week.) After they left I showed Nanny the wonderful world of FaceTime. It was 10pm but only 530pm in BC so we called my mom, my dad and siblings, my cousin and her daughter, and I introduced Nanny to my sister over FaceTime. It was super fun and really nice to see her interacting, she was pretty amazed. When we were all done it was about 1045pm or so and we were ready for bed, but then we ended up talking until 1230am. She told me more stories of the family and of her life (she baked for the Queen once!) and she is just such a wonderful woman and I see so much of my dad in her. Finally we had to call it quits so we could get some sleep, we have big plans this week! (Though here I am posting about my events of the day.) Its weird, even though my father didnt join me this time, I feel closer to him just being here. I should try to get some sleep, its 1am - though its really only 830pm in my brain. Sorry about the long post but I will be trying to make one for every day that Im here for those that want to keep up to date with my antics as there is sure to be plenty! Have a great night everyone!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:37:25 +0000

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