Day Twenty Eight ;‘’ Tuesday,;;18th-3-2014 ,;-‘’’ - TopicsExpress


Day Twenty Eight ;‘’ Tuesday,;;18th-3-2014 ,;-‘’’ 21000LOVEClub The POWER in the TONGUE {Prob18.21.,Lk10.19,} Daily PRAYERS for NIGERIA GOOD MORNING Beloved Nigerians and all our LOVE partners all over the world Let us thank GOD for the first MIRACLE of the day;’ the MIRACLE of Waking up this morning. First ; Let us seek GODs grace to forgive all that have wrong us in any way, then we will have the moral right to tell GOD to forgive us before we pray this morning. Prophecies into your life when you wake and say’;’ It shall be well with my life, family and business/office today.;’ Today I will be favored beyond measure;’ Today all what I have lost must be restored in JESUS name ;’Amen ; Amen and Amen. Prayer Time;- ;;;;; ‘ Prayers , LOVE, FORGIVENESS and HEALING Your STORM of Affliction is OVER;,, The ARMY General and the COS,;’ Naaman the leper Healed by a word ;’ In2Kg5.1-16;’ the word said; there was a powerful army general in Syria called Naaman the leper., who have been a leper for over 30 years,. .He has everything in the world but cannot use it to cure himself,; the affliction and bondage of leprosy. He has spent billions to get his health back , but to no solution,; But there is a house girl in their house whom the wife have shown great love by not oppressing and treating her like a slave, rather she took her like her daughter, This house girl because of love the house have shown to her, has compassion over her master and revealed and advice them to go to Israel, to see a man of GOD {Elisha} that will help in their affliction,. Initial he was filling reluctant to go, because he taught his healing will come from the well known bishops and celebrated pastors and prophets, but after, he decided to give it a trial. When he eventually reach Elisha place, GOD have already told Elisha of his coming and how he will receive his healing, so Elisha did not border coming to meet him. He only said a WORD ; through his servants to tell Naaman to go to the river Jordan and dip himself seven times and go. Naaman with all the money, fleet of cars, many escort personnel and gift he wanted to give to Elisha was very wroth, because he expected Elisha to come and meet him as a general, and to give him a special chair and recognition when he comes in, but that was not done, because GOD have no respecter of any man. Naaman with anger confessed, and said ; among all the mighty rivers in the land, it is this dirty and small river he look at the general like me to go and dip myself, it is an insult to myself and position. So he decided to go back in anger without seeing Elisha and obeying GOD by going to the river as instructed by the prophet. He exhibited pride at the highest level. He refuse to realize that it was not Elisha talking to him but GOD almighty JEHOVAH. It is the same GOD that made him and bless him to become a general. When he reached house, he was angry with everybody, but the same house girl came back and told him, MASTER, why not try what this prophet told you and see if it will work, than remaining a leper and in pains you have been for years. Then Naaman swallowed his pride and went to the river and dip himself seven times, as directed and he was SHOCKED to see that his body was healed completely without him seeing Elisha, spending any money, praying and fasting, having night vigil and deliverance. Because Naaman decided to swallow pride and became humble, love, forgive ,stop the spirit of anger and worries in him, he was able to have an instant healing and deliverance of over 30 years of torment and affliction in his life. Humility, Forgiveness and Love is the greatest power that moves GOD to do instant miracles that must have differed all solutions. Remember only a WORD from the house girl, a WORD from Elisha made Naaman whole of over 30 years of incurable sickness and affliction. You may have over 30 years of challenges in your health, marriages, business, finances, government, office, life partner, in the nation Nigeria. DON’T lose HOPE, the same GOD of Naaman , Elisha and the house girl is still with us today,; He is the same yesterday, today and forever ,Heb13.8} ;JUST discover whom you are in GOD love, forgiveness and justice, with your tongue ,;’ and declare freedom, change and restoration to your situation and see the mighty hand of GOD., Remember with only a word, all darkness disappeared and the world was created. {Gen1.1-3.}, the word has the power to create and destroy all darkness,; been it sickness, CANCERS, Bareness and Stomach tumor and fibroid, Late MARRIAGES, POVERTY, WORRIES and UNFORGIVENESS. ; plus every Spirits of BOKO HARAM,.; GOD have not change, he is the same yesterday, today and forever, { Heb13.8,;’ } ,.In Jn1.1-5.,the word said in the beginning was the word, and the word was with GOD ,and the word was GOD. Also in 1Jn4.7-8,16.,; the bible said ,GOD is love,; and in Mtt6.15,.Jm2.13;,Jm3.17,; the word said,; Forgiveness is of GOD, and who ever do not forgive others including his enemy will be judged without mercy. Because mercy came from heaven; So you must know at this juncture, that the word you speak is GOD himself, the love you practice is GOD himself, the mercy you show to others is GOD himself. Then we must realize, that the love, forgiveness and the word we speak , are all from above, and anything from above is above all,; which are products of the trinity where GOD dwells,; So when use your tongue rightly, as you speak, ; ‘you speak Healing, Solution, Power, Freedom, Change, Restoration, Favor, Blessings, Deliverance, Breakthrough and Joy.; NO SHAKING ;’ GOD IS THERE FOR ALL OF US, OUR FAMILIES AND OUR DEAR NATION NIGERIA..GOD BLESS YOU ALL for our new LOVE Nigeria 2014 to 2049. Let us speak to Nigeria today;’ I prophecy today into your life’s ,that the light that created the world and destroy all darkness,; will locate your going out and coming in today in JESUS name; Amen ; Amen and Amen. I prophecy today into the life of our president, wife, other political and spiritual leaders and their administrations ,that the light that created the world and destroy all darkness ;, will locate their going out and coming in JESUS name; Amen ; Amen and Amen. I prophecy today into the life’s of families and the good nation Nigeria ,that the light that created the world and destroy all darkness ,; will locate all the families and the nation Nigeria in JESUS name; Amen ; Amen and Amen. Praise the lord;’’’ HALLEYAH; ’’’HALLEYAH; ’’’HALLEYAH; 21000LOVEClub Stand UP for LOVE Prayers to Free, Change, Restore In the name of JESUS and in the power of the HOLY GOST, all the Evil,Demonic,Occultic,Corruption,Greed,Coverteous,Discrimination,Tribalism,Racism,Unforgiven,Hatred ,Anger, Injustice, Affliction, Strange illnesses, Sickness, Unemployment, Late Marriages, Bareness, Divorces, Poverty, Hunger, kidnapping, Boko Haram, Road, Sea, Air accidents and Hindrances SPIRIRTS and POWERs that are working against NIGERIA, FAMILIES, COMMUNITIES, CHURCHES/RELIGIONS,COMPANIES/INSTITUTIONS,LEADERSHIPS both SPIRITUAL and POLITICAL,GOVERNMENTS and AGENCIES;’— HOLY GHOST ----FIRE;FIRE;RIRE;FIRE;FIREFIRE; and FIRE; Daily PRAYERS for the PRESIDENT ,other Leaders and their ADMINISTRATIONs Any Evil and demonic SPIRITS and POWERS of the day and night that is working against the PRESIDENT, FAMILY and other leaders and their ADMINISTRATION in their bit to fulfill the mandate of GOD for Nigeria from 2014 to 2019; All the wicked spirits and powers that want to take us back to Egypt,; in the name of JESUS and in the power of the HOLY GHOST;- HOLY GHOST=== FIRE;FIRE;RIRE;FIRE;FIRE;FIRE; and FIRE; I learn how to give and LOVE not because I have so much or rich , but because I know exactly how it feels to have nothing when you need something. ( Mtt25.31-46., Mtt5.21-24,43-48.,Lk6.27-35., Prob14.20-21,31., Prob3.27-29.,Prob25.21-23)., LOVE is the revelation and a revolutionary message, from GOD everybody must believe ,preach and practice so as to change our destiny, the families, the church/religions, the society, the nation and the world. LOVE one person a day to change Nigeria, Africa and the world LOVE one person a day to secure your future LOVE before it will be too LATE What would you be remembered for What would be your ANSWER Yes, I BELIEVE I believe Nigeria must be FREE I believe Nigeria will CHANGE I believe Nigeria will be RESTORED The west wind and the SPIRITUAL EARTH QUAKE Coming-(Exod14.13-14.,Exod10.19). JOIN and SUPPORT 21000LOVEClub the HOLY Movement to FREE, CHANGE and RESTORE Nigeria and families through the Stand UP for LOVE prayers; a..Time-You can give us your time to join the stand up for love prayer message and programnes b..Self—Support the people around you, starting from your home , family , office, church and government. c..Pay radio and television adverts on LOVE to change a life, family, church and the nation. d..Send your materials or your gift to us and direct us on where to send it for you. e..Pay people hospital bills, school fees, rents, f..Support the training/capacity building and skill acquisition programnes for the poor and youths. g..Setting up of food bank which will supply weekly food to the poor. h..Donate land for food bank centers, care centers, healing centers, cars for seminars/workshops, crusades and evangelism i..You can also make financial support with the account number below- LOVE and CARE Ministry GT Bank –Acct. Number-----0019025835 The servant of the Most High GOD Call 234-8087634300,234-8184186066 jesusloveclub@yahoo,Lovetochange_prayer@yahoo, lovemiracles85@yahoo ,
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:37:29 +0000

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