Day Twenty-One God bless you Family, and well done! I am so - TopicsExpress


Day Twenty-One God bless you Family, and well done! I am so proud of you! It’s our last day – Praise the Lord forever! Today I feel it’s important that I share with about you revival –souls for our cities, our land, our countries. In 1904 a young Welsh miner with coal dust in his hair and grime beneath his fingernails was the leader of a great spiritual awakening. He was not skilled in speaking, nor was he widely read. The only book he knew was the Bible and his heart burned with a passion for God and His Word. For years Evan Roberts yearned to preach the gospel and he cried out to God with prayer and fasting to change him – to use him. When Evan reached the age of twenty-five his landlady evicted him for preaching and praying so loudly in his room. Down in the mines, while his friends smoked and laughed on their lunch breaks, he sat quietly reading his Bible. One day in 1904 while Evan Roberts was in prayer – and he was fasting – God showed him that He was going to send a revival to Wales and that 100,000 unbelievers would turn to Christ. Then the Holy Spirit showed Roberts that the coming revival would spread like a wild fire to England, then to Europe, to Africa and to Asia. Burning with this vision within his heart, Roberts sought an opportunity to preach, but he found none. He begged his pastor to let him preach but at first the bewildered minister said no to this over enthusiastic coal miner. Finally, after much pleading, the pastor relented. “Alright, Evan, you can preach next Wednesday night,” he said, “if anyone chooses to stay and listen to you.” Well, seventeen curious seekers stayed behind. The young evangelist boldly proclaimed what he had heard from God. His message was simple. 1 – You must confess every known sin to God. 2 - You must remove every doubtful habit from your life. 3 – You must obey the Holy Spirit’s prompting. 4 – You must go public and witness for Christ. Even though Evan Roberts was unskilled in preaching, the pastor and those seventeen church members began to burn with a fiery touch from God. The next night more came to hear the young preacher and the fire quickly spread to other churches. In the next thirty days - 37,000 came forward to repent of their sins and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Within five months – 100,000 were swept into Christ’s kingdom across the country and Evan Roberts saw his vision fulfilled. The newspapers reported, “Wales is in the throes and ecstasy of the most remarkable revival it has ever known. It is nothing less than a moral revolution.” Welsh newspapers began to print lists of the names of those who had been born into the kingdom of God. Family, Colleges closed down and student’s marched singing and praising God on their way to prayer meetings. Children held their own meetings in their homes. Men had prayer brigades in barnyards. Reports say their prayer was fierce and passionate. One town boasted a get out of bed prayer brigade. These men would pray into the night; sometimes all night. There were reports of men crawling out of bed in the middle of the night – finding a meeting and crying out to Jesus to save them. Revival broke out in the coal mines as well. It was reported that the profane language of the miners was cleaned up. Just as God had shown him – Roberts saw the revival leap to England. There an estimated two-million people received Christ. But during the Welsh revival the social impact was astounding. There was a time when crime disappeared. No rapes – no robberies – no murders – no burglaries – no embezzlements. The judges had no cases to try. The district consuls held emergency meetings to discuss what to do with the police now that they were unemployed. Drunkenness was cut in half. The illegitimate birth rate dropped down 44% in two counties within a year of the beginning of the revival - so great was the impact of God’s power in the nation. Precious family, prayer and fasting combined are truly the key to the supernatural power of God. Not only will fasting and prayer transform an individual or a church but it is the key to change the course of our nation. If ever there was a time that we needed to pray for our nations to change –that God would be first again, it’s now. As we end off our fast I know that our nation, our churches, our cities will never be the same; and nor will we. Well done and congratulations! Send me your testimonies – love Pastor Bev.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:30:01 +0000

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