Day Twenty-Two of the Eileen McCreary Nuss Music Memorial: A - TopicsExpress


Day Twenty-Two of the Eileen McCreary Nuss Music Memorial: A little story about FITCH Today’s Song and Video is Fish Heads by Art and Artie Barnes (1979). This predates MTV by two years! Some will know this from The Dr Demento Radio Show. Note: Bill Mumy, Will Robinson in Lost in Space was one of the Barnes. If you watch this video I have just one thing to say: Danger, Will Robinson! This story predates me and is legendary in our family. Catholic families eat fish on Fridays, especially during the Easter Lent season. We must have been a Pre-Vatican II household, since it seemed like we always had fish on Fridays. So, Eileen was about two years old and IT was Friday. According to sources at the Dinner table: MENU: -Fish [unknown variety] -Stewed Tomatoes -Homemade Macaroni and Cheese. Well, McCreary # Six; This toddler named Eileen, wasnt having it, not this Friday. Eileen said: ME, no like FITCH! --------And pushed her plate away. Wide laughter ensued around the table AND this became a part of the family lexicon of McCreary Lore and/or McMythology. So a few years later when I came around “FITCH” was an old legion. What I remember is my grandmother had a neighbor who liked to fish or maybe liked my grandmother. The neighbor would give her these HUGE fish, that we thought were Bluefish, and these monsters were in our big freezer in the basement. Now this freezer is filled with FREE giant fish and someone has to eat it. But for us it did not matter or as we used to say: Same Difference, meaning for us the same result: Big Fish, Big Family, Free Entrée on Friday night. Note: Wikipedia says that Bluefish are widely distributed around the world in tropical and subtropical waters I dont think about the Philadelphia Tri-state area as tropical but maybe there is a Fish Biologist reading this and they can help me out. Anyway, my Mom was an excellent chef and went on to be a Dietitian and today I love to eat fish, but this fish was NOT eatable. It was tough, oily and excuse the pun, it tasted like fish. So if this was a Bluefish that escaped tropical waters to the East Coast than perhaps living in West Philly made them tough, oily and fishy. Well it just made you want to say, ME! No like FITCH! https://youtube/watch?v=cTpUVAcvWfU
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 02:43:34 +0000

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