Day after day, night after night We see the Heartland of Islam - TopicsExpress


Day after day, night after night We see the Heartland of Islam slowly turn into a bomb site. Peace torn into pieces, as kids are killed in broad day light. They dont know whats happening, got no choice but are forced to fight. Whilst we sit here comfortably, making choices from left to right. Watching carelessly as the enemy makes the ground beneath them shake The empty promises, we make that we know are just fake. The petty excuses that only comes out when it gets too hard to take. I mean, do we really care? Are our hearts really there? Do we even shed a tear? Like when we hear that childs cry in despair, When she wakes to find her mother nowhere to be found, when she sees her father lying dead on the ground. She turns around, to see nothing but a nation in silence Nothing but cowards disguised in clothes of the righteous She raises her hands, and pleads Ya Allah, give them guidance! Guide them to the truth and save us from these tyrants!. You see, they dont need you and I because on Allah they put their full reliance Allah and His believers are all they need as alliances... And its only through obedience to Allah will truth finally triumph triumph over the disbelievers, bashar and all his filthy soldiers Who stride in pride, together, as they stand shoulder to shoulder The camp of disbelief, against those who try expose them Ask yourselves: which camp are you on to which side do you belong? you say its with the believers but its only Allah that really knows... When our brothers in Syrian prisons, were stripped of each of their clothes, It wasnt all a show, the marking around their neck, yeah- it was the real thing you saw Brutally beaten, strangled to death as if they have nothing to live for Victims of torture, thousands slaughtered as the whole world just stood in awe And we just post pictures on Facebook like everyone else, because were sure, that its the right thing to do- its our way to say were not letting them get ignored We tweet about it because we say the pen, is mightier than the sword. but it wont help them, or change the situation, if we just hide behind closed doors, I mean making dua- is a source of helping but not if thats all we can be asked to put forth... We need to seriously, wake up and actually take up the right way to show our support its not a matter of choice or questioning but rather the question is: Are you going to break the silence by raising your voice? Actually Make a change, coz how else are we going to explain, Why we refrained whilst their lives got destroyed. How we just watched, as our sisters were raped and violated, touched by another man? and now, enough is enough, because its about time this Ummah finally stands... Finally, open our eyes and realise that the blood of the ummah is on our hands... So how dare we remain silent, whilst these tyrants think they can defeat us believers. Because we have the religion of Allah, swt, the only thing that can defeat them... Al Islaama yula wa la yula ilaiy.. This is what Muhammed (SAW) said, that they will soon find out the hard way, That Islam is superior, and its superiority can never ever be surpassed So no matter how tough the time gets, victory is set, as long as we remain steadfast So hold on to the Quran and Sunnah no matter what coz its a test on how long we will last? We will surely see the victory return, so dont be concerned over whether its within our grasp. Its the promise of Allah, that this deen it will be supreme, regardless of who intervenes, whether they be near or be far. So whether your rich or poor, or your lifes long or short, you need to put more in this Deen to set them free, and change the way things are So that our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers can say that their call didnt go unanswered and they are close to our heart Because we are one body, whether they are over land or sea, one nation and we will never part. So whoever dares to divide us, know that as an Ummah we will definitely rise up So dont just take a back seat, instead stand up and reap all those good deeds Support those who strive, and work day and night for this Deen to be revived Know that the path to victory is sweet even if it costs you, your lives. Because we know... that the final price- will be nothing less than your abode in paradise.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 22:13:39 +0000

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