Day four continued..... Well after all the excitement of the - TopicsExpress


Day four continued..... Well after all the excitement of the pre-breakfast Hoopoe, the day descended into blooming hard work as we trawled the gardens and fields of the Lunna Peninsula out East to absolutely no passerine reward whatsoever other than some vaguely approachable Rock Doves, gregarious Ravens and three immature Merlins. Two snorkelling Great Northern Divers were new for the list and Snipe were everywhere and we encountered Red Grouse at two spots. Lunch was taken aboard the ferry to Whalasay where we spent the remainder of the day traipsing through fields of all sorts and peered into numerous gardens. The residents were especially generous but it was not until the last couple of hours when our luck changed and we added four more Yellow-broweds, a Barred Warbler, two immature Rosefinches and our ninth Red-breasted Flycatcher in four days and six days on the trot that we have seen this charismatic flicker.... Oh and we spent an hour pinning down a skulking little blighter in a plantation at Skaw which eventually gave itself up as a Dunnock.... Actually a very scarce Shetland bird and glad we persevered.... Eleven Whooper Swans and some wary wild Greylags rounded up another rewarding day..... Weather from here on in looks like creating an even tougher birding challenge than today.... Oh well....
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 18:17:07 +0000

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