Day of Adversity-3 Ecc.7:14 “In the day of prosperity be - TopicsExpress


Day of Adversity-3 Ecc.7:14 “In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider...” Adversity according to dictionary means adverse happening or an unfavorable experience or event as against that which was planned. It simply means something happened contrary to your expectation. You had prayed, fasted, had God’s leading but still they refused to give you the job. You have used your expertise but things are going gaga, God says “consider”. The Hebrew word translated consider means to; advise self, approve, discern, (make to) enjoy, have experience, provide, show (self), analyse, have vision. I got excited when I saw this. A time when things go contrary is a time to show yourself i.e. to show the stuff inside, it is a time to learn from the experience, a time to discern and advise yourself, it also mean to analyse but above all, it is a time to have a new vision!! When I lost my data, I spoke to my team and they suggested it’s time we allow some of the visions weve been working on to materialize. We simply refused to panic or be fearful, we just went to work. I’m glad to let you know, that from 01/09/14, we can be reached through several other channels as follows: Twitter:@liftseries Facebook: facebook/liftmotivational LinkedIn:http:LinkedIn/company/liftmotivational Blog site: liftmotivational.wordpress Beloved, in the time of adversity, dream a new dream, consider, make use of the experience and show the real you. Nothing is big enough to discourage you, the one who asked you to go to the other side will appear walking on the storm, he will neither leave you nor forsake you (Isaiah 43:1&2). He is the master of the storm and as He is so are we (1John 4:17)! Get set to walk on water, it’s a new day, I celebrate you! Love you BiG! LIFT! Bless somebody, Please RE-Broadcast
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 08:07:49 +0000

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