Day of Resurrection ..... - TopicsExpress


Day of Resurrection ..... .......................................... .............................. Salman (RA) narrated that the Prophet said: Judgment Day The heat of the sun, a distance of ten years will be granted , then ( slowly ) around the heads of the people will be even more distance two commands will . they will be drowned in sweat even sweat is dripping on the ground when the sun is high, like a boiling pot from the heat of the fire will die . Hazrat Salman (RA) said: a person should even will ( we ) were slaughtered so they will see their condition , some of them will say : Did you not see your state ? Lets go to Adam that his father Lord your intercession , please , please , so they will not hold this position , I do not hold this position , then ( you work with me ) Where is it? They will submit your order to go by what we said ? That would please : If you go to a person grateful to Allah that the Prophet said Noah would attend the O Prophet of Allah ! I appreciate that you alone are being made , and you can see why we state our intercession before the Lord , and he shall please : I do not hold this position , I have no position ( do it to me ) Where is it? They will submit your order to go by what we said ? That would please : Go to Rahman Khalil Abraham Abraham to the present, and will submit : A. Khalil -ur-Rahman ! You are viewing our conditions So intercede for us before the Lord if he would please : I do not appointed , my position is not where you work ? They will submit your order to us by what they please when will you become Gods Word and His Spirit, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Jesus , they go to attend and submit to said : O Allahs word and his spirit ! You are viewing our conditions So intercede for us before the Lord if he would please : I do not hold this position , I did not position , where it will work ? They will submit your order to get into what we do ? They will be sent : You go to the person through whom God hath chapter of prophecy and his prophecy sdqy opened and the first and last were unsatisfactory , and today we ( the introduction of their dignity ) are trustworthy . They Presence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) will be attending . They attend the Presence of the Holy Prophet (saw) and will submit : O Prophet of Allah ! He opened and you prophesy you prophesy the end of the chapter he sdqy your first and last days in peace and you have been forgiven , if you are viewing our condition before God when our intercession Us would please : I m your loyalty , so you can get out of the gates of heaven to come and put it in pendant holding the door when the door khtkhtayyn will be asked : Who is he? Will you please : Mohammad (blessings and peace be upon him )! Narrator states: it shall be opened to you upon you Allah Allah will ask permission to attend and support , you will be given permission , so if you ve Reese worshiped the LORD Almighty will say : O Mohammad (blessings and peace be upon him )! Raise your head , you will be granted Ask , Please intercede and pray for your intercession will be accepted Please pray for me to be accepted . , So you ll Prophet (saw) said : O my Lord! My nation , my nation ! Then ask permission to prostrate , you will be given the permission , if you will prostrate Reese usna and Glorious Praises of Allah on you to make discoveries that such remarks had not been done on any of klayq . , So they may will : o Mohammad (blessings and peace be upon him )! Lift your head , you will be granted question , please intercede and your intercession will be accepted, please ask when you pray, Allah will admit him to raise his head and said : O my Lord! ! My nation , my nation ! Please be twice or three times . ( Hazrat Salman RA ) says: So the intercession of the Prophet (saw) everyone would please the heart faith equal to a grain of wheat equal to or who have faith or have faith the size of mustard seed , that place will Mahmood . Imam Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated by Ibn Abi Asim . Allama Albani on the conditions of this hadeeth was classed as saheeh sykyn credentials .
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 17:47:36 +0000

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