Day of the wedding: (Part-Two The Ceremony) As we shimmered into - TopicsExpress


Day of the wedding: (Part-Two The Ceremony) As we shimmered into view and I helped Kelanna down off the pad. I said, I changed my mind. Give me that cloak now. Its time you greet the world and your new life as the true Queen you really are. We set up at the side door. The guards stood at the ready to open the doors. One held the cloth tote for me. Per Protocol, The officiant slowly marched in to the chamber from the center isle. With each step the audience became quieter and stood. From the back rows to the front, all was silent and reverenced. The officiant banged the Praetors gavel and spoke in a loud strong voice. LET THE RECORD BE OPENED AND REFLECT THE UNION OF TWO PATHS TODAY AND FOREVER MORE BE RECORDED AS ONE. Two among us have fought long and hard and glorified all of Romulas with their courage, Honor, and loyalty to the Empire. So much so that Our Praetor and his Queen will stand as their seconds. Guards Attention. Close the outer doors. The center isle doors closed. From this moment their is to be no noise. He called aloud OPEN THE DOORS TO THE PATH OF SENATOR LOREN PRAYTACK AND HIS SECOND OUR GLORIOUS LEADER PRAETOR JADEN The doors opened. Both Marched out together and stopped at the end of the Bannister. Praetor Jaden shook Praytacks hand and whispered dont forget to breathe. What you are about to see will reside in your heart and mind forever. I know. I never will forget my day. Seeing that Praytack was ready, The Officiant Called aloud OPEN THE DOORS TO THE PATH OF KELANNA DONATRA ROMULUS The doors opened. As we walked in a hush flew across the audience. Everybody was awed and gasping. Poor Praytack looked as shocked and dumbfounded as all the rest. I thought he was going to pass out. The cameras zoomed in on Kelanna. It was as if royalty had come to visit. Jaden rested his hand on Praytacks shoulder and whispered, Remember well my friend and breathe. Our walk was slow and measured so all could behold how beautiful the bride was. Praytack whispered mainly to himself, All ready a Queen we stopped at the end of the Bannister. Kelanna turned to face me and I lifted her vale and positioned it flat so it rested just behind her crown. I leaned over and lightly kissed my sister on her cheek and pressed a handkerchief in her hand I whispered, Remember your steps and breathe. We both turned and awaited the Officiants call to come forward. He banged the gavel once more for silence and said aloud MAY THE TWO PATHS REPRESENTED HERE MERGE BEFORE ME. Staying behind at the bannister, My jaw was on fire with pain as I gritted my teeth to hold back the emotions that threatened to over run my appearance of calm. Slowly, as if in a trance these two lovers walked the path perfectly to the last step. I looked across the room to my dear husband. Tears ran down his cheek as he remembered our day. Mine began to flow as well. Then the officiant spoke: SENATOR LOREN PRAYTACK. YOUR PATH HAS BEEN LONG AND FILLED WITH THE DANGERS OF BATTLES ALONG WITH THE HONORS AND GLORIES OF VICTORY. YOUR SERVICE TO THE EMPIRE LEAVES A LIST OF AWARDS TOO LONG TO TELL. TELL US, WHERE DOES YOUR PATH LEAD YOU TODAY? Praytack said aloud, To the heart of this lovely woman. The officiant then said, THEN WITH YOUR RIGHT HAND, TAKE HER LEFT HAND IN YOURS. Turning to Kelanna who was already lost in love looking in Praytacks eyes. The officiant spoke again: PRAETRESS PRO TEM, KELANNA DONATRA ROMULUS, YOUR PATH HAS BROUGHT YOU ALREADY TO THE HEARTS AND HONORS OF THE EMPIRES OF ROMULUS AND WHITE STAR AS WELL DEMONSTRATING MORE COURAGE AND VALOR THAN CAN BE MEASURED, HAVING BEEN HONORED BY BOTH EMPIRES HIGHEST AWARDS FOR BRAVERY, WHERE DOES YOUR PATH LEAD YOU TODAY? Kelanna didnt miss a beat. She spoke aloud, To the heart of this wonderful man. Then the officiant spoke: THEN WITH YOUR LEFT HAND, TAKE HIS RIGHT IN YOURS. Continuing he said, PRAYTACK, SPEAK NOW FOR ALL TO HEAR WHAT RESIDES IN YOUR HEART: Praytack took a deep breath and began, I never hoped to find love. I had dedicated my life, to serving the Empire till my death alone. But in these last eight years, with the help of some friends, I began to notice, maybe their is a different, more joyous way to live my life. When I saw you for the first time, I had not dared to hope for what my heart feels this day. I thank the Great Maker for blessing me, with what cant be held or counted or measured or even accurately described, My love for you. In the back of my head, an alarm went off. I couldnt believe what I was hearing. Praytacks a believer!! The Officiant then said, NOW, KELANNA IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO SPEAK NOW FOR ALL TO HEAR WHAT RESIDES IN YOUR HEART. Kelanna took a deep breath. I HAVE JOURNEYED TO MANY PLACES. BUT NEVER HOPED TO FEEL AS I DO NOW, IN TRUTH I HARDLY KNEW MUCH OF ABOUT LOVE, TIL SOME FRIENDS AND NOW FAMILY TOOK THE TIME TO CARE FOR ME AND TEACH ME SOME OF WHAT LOVE IS REALLY ALL ABOUT. I THOUGHT TO MYSELF OK THIS IS NICE BUT THEN WHEN I FIRST SAW YOU IN SAID TO MYSELF WOW. HE IS THE ONE. EVER SINCE THAT DAY ITS BEEN ONE WONDERFUL MOMENT AFTER ANOTHER. I THANK THE Great Maker, FOR OPENING MY EYES AND FINDING THIS GLORIOUS LOVE THAT I HAVE FOR YOU. My head alarm went off again Kelanna too?? The Officiant then spoke: LET THE RECORD NOTE, THAT ON THIS DAY, THESE TWO PATHS IN LIFE HAS COME TOGETHER, MERGED AND ARE ONE. SHOW ALL NOW, THE PASSION OF YOUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER. Slowly, like in a dream they embraced and kissed with great passion and turned to face the assemblage. They both slauted and bowed. Then the assemblage did the same as the two slowly marched down the center isle and the doors opened to the new world they will behold as husband and wife. As they walked past the first row it was our turn to face the officiant and bow in respect and leave. Then after Jaden and I cleared the door way the doors closed. The guard passed the cloth bag back to me and said Wow. I smiled and thanked him. The other guards guided us to the reception downstairs. As we waited for the elevator we heard the Officiant bang the gavel and say: THE RECORD IS NOW CLOSED, THIS SESSION IS NOW ADJOURNED. He then marched back down the center isle, out the doors and off to his office on the right. The elevator doors opened and we got in. As the doors closed, I silently said a prayer, thanking the Great Maker for giving me the strength to make it through this wonderful wedding.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:48:21 +0000

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