Day two Golden circle tour Had our lovely breakfast and - TopicsExpress


Day two Golden circle tour Had our lovely breakfast and waited for our bus to collect us for the golden your! At 9.05 I called the office for the excursion Sundays they are closed! So fortunately I rang the bus depo and they sent a mini bus for us and made the main bus wait! So we got on the bus everyone was nicely seated as we discretely got on the bus graeme with his red jacket and me with my nuclear reactive glowing orange jacket really blended in. Off on our tour we go! Not too cold before you know it we were in the hills with snow and active hot springs creating steam and warm areas to bath how fabulous! After an earthquake in the flower area the tour guides friend ended up with a personal hot spring in her garden who needs a jacuzzi when you have your own natural one huh! There are nobbly mounds along the roadside made up of lava deposits which makes the water rise which in turn then explodes creating small craters. This type of crater are found in only two other places! Hawaii and on the moon! The steam is converted into water as the water is at 75 degrees Fahrenheit and contains various different minerals safe to drink but doesnt smell great! I think there is a theme here! The water is carried to the residential areas in bendy pipes otherwise the water would break the seams of the pipes. Temperatures of the water in some places are at boiling point. The area that has boiling water had two massive holes drilled in the earth to test this hot water and you can see the steam rising up from these holes! Too difficult to build a geological plant in these sites as the area is too active and would be dangerous! Not as dangerous one thinks as the fermented shark though! Just stopped off at a tomato producer they make 1 ton of tomatoes a day and they import two boxes of bumble bees with about 80 bees inside and they pollinate the tomato plants. There are flies in the greenhouses both black and green and one eats the other! Ones a good fly and the other is a bad fly! The bees only live for about eight weeks! Had a nice cup of tomato and home made bread one savoury with varying seeds and one sweet with cinnamon! To the geysers how amaze balls the main one goes off every seven minutes brilliant it swells then turns blue and erupts fabulous could sit and watch it do this for hours. The water can get to 90 degrees! So your own boiling pot! Who needs electricity! Then off to the gullfoss falls totally awesome a man asked his girlfriend to marry him at the falls! What a romantic
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 19:27:51 +0000

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