Day1 Durban Shivir (Healing Others): Durban continues to count - TopicsExpress


Day1 Durban Shivir (Healing Others): Durban continues to count its blessings & giving gratitude to our Guru Babaji for gracing us with the most energetic & divine experience of Krishna Janmastami & Rhythm of the Universe session that was held on Sunday. The start of the first day of Healing others session began with much laughter as Babaji shared an incident that happened in the morning where Nileshbhai dropped his car keys in the gaps of the lift & chirpily said- We now know that it is possible to recover any items dropped through the gaps of the lift & reach the bottom of the pit to recover these items A start to the Shivir with an example of Action & Reaction & how we deal with these situations whilst embracing joy out from it. He also reminded us & kindly requested that instead of giving the beautiful bouquets of flowers, we should instead gift plants that will bloom beautiful flowers- a gentle reminder of the Heal the World efforts. The Shivir had a significant number of Sadhaks that were new to ShivYog & Babaji blessed these new ShivYogis & all other Sadhaks with the lessons & teachings of the JHB Shivir when we were initiated into healing ourselves (another gesture showing his flexibility, compassion & unconditional love he has for all his ShivYog disciples which we must learn from). The day kicked-off with insights into how diseases are born - Babaji leveraged the case study from the JHB Shivir where a Sadhak who had a cancerous tumor and a lymph node that was defined as significant in medical terms & post 40 minutes of healing the tumor had shrunk by 33% & the lymph node was now termed as insignificant as per the doctor who did the scans before & after the healing (these are the miracles, the power of the healing & initiations we are blessed with as ShivYogis- THE SCIENCE BEYOND SCIENCE). He further explained that when we started the healing process of this Sadhak, there were several life incidents that were experienced by this Sadhak causing impressions in the sub-conscious mind & 5 bodies causing physic impressions & as these type of incidents & negative feeling recur psychosomatic impressions are created- when we release these incidents, shower them with unconditional love, forgiveness & accept them as a lesson in life, we will then dissolve them & hence heal ourselves. We were further reminded that we need to be a child in order for the healing to happen vs the intellectual that questions & challenges all the time - a classic example where shared - Dad scolded the child & when the child is questioned about the incident & how they felt these are 2 responses- 1. Intellectual response- the child says I accept the constructive criticism & I will grow & I understand why he did it. 2. Child like response- the child says I felt really hurt & don’t want to get hurt again (this is the absolute truth) - this will help release the situation/impression the child felt & healing can now begin! We should always speak slowly, so that we can FEEL these words, HEAR ourselves & become a what a true ShivYogi defines i.e. KNOWINGNESS! Pictures were presented to help all understand the light that is inherent within ShivYogis as they become an instrument for God & allow for the flow of the Golden Light from them to those that need to be healed. The 5 bodies were described & Sadhaks were taught how to tap into each of these 5 Bodies (Physical, Etheric, Astral, Causal & Bliss Sheath) whilst doing the healing. Mediations & initiations were experienced where Sadhaks were guided with Self-Healing techniques & ability to start the journey to healing others- a blessing we all count & are grateful for! I AM THAT I AM! I must rise to the Soul Consciousness. I AM THE CREATOR OF MY OWN DESTINY! I am the one who is self-illuminated & when I connect my healing with myself & my 5 bodies, then I start the process of SOUL HEALING! The day ended Babaji saying the following: I WILL MAKE YOU VERY VERY POWERFUL SHIVYOG HEALERS! Namah Shivay
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 05:01:12 +0000

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