DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Deuteronomy 6:6-7 – These - TopicsExpress


DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Deuteronomy 6:6-7 – These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. The protocols for our lives have been established. As a Christian, the demonstration of this lifestyle is what showcases the following of those protocols. When we think about what is innately in our core and what we’ve put there because of life’s circumstances, it can become a conflict that takes us off course of the path that God had designed from the beginning. I suppose the only good thing to say about this is that we didn’t start the problem, however, we were born into it, from the same bloodline of sin so we share in it as well. When we are in line with that which is from our core, did you know you are in direct harmony with the design of God? Your life reveals the attributes of Jesus for everyone to see. As we all know, it is one thing to say you’re a child of God but it is a whole other thing to actually be what you claim. When we hold to God’s law, we don’t have to profess to the world that we are children of God; it is evident. No one will ever ask you if you have a moral compass that sets you apart from the crowd. It is evidenced in your character. The indescribable feeling that we possess which helps us to distinguish between right and wrong, moral and immoral are the commands of God that have been placed in our spirits. The problem that we often run into is the dualism of obedience and defiance being present. On one hand we have God’s spirit in us which is our life source but we also have the sinful blood of man coursing through our flesh. This presents a major problem because that which is in our spirit is hard to display when it has to come through our sinful flesh to get exposed. So how do we make the transition and get out the goodness that God has already instilled in us? We have to follow his commandments. When we impress God’s commandments on our hearts we are able to continually look at our real state (in the flesh) and know that without his law we are prone to continue to be sinful. We recognize that his commandments help us to defeat the natural responses that our flesh has and be reminded of what his spirit (the spirit of life given by God that is in every human being) wants us to organically do. Once we connect with this truth that because of God’s breathe of life in us, his very spirit, we have a piece of God lying dormant inside of us that needs to be unleashed so our connection with Christ can become complete, only then will we be able to impress this onto our children, friends, family members and strangers of the world. We have a decision to make; we can allow God’s commandments to release the spiritual attributes in our lives or we can continue to do things the way we see best. Remember, depending on the one you choose, the impression that you leave on your children, family and friends; the things you talk about in the workplace or just hanging out; what you talk about at home or in small gatherings will be a direct reflection of whether you’re following your commandments or God’s. Today we pray that you embrace God’s commandments and allow them to work with the Holy Spirit in your life to defeat your flesh and keep you on track with the moral compass God has in all of us. He put a little piece of himself in all of us so that what we’re doing is in line with exactly what he wants. Impress that on people because they need the dormant spirit of God to be unleashed in their lives too. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 16:08:29 +0000

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