DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalms 32:8 – I will - TopicsExpress


DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Psalms 32:8 – I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. You can be anything in this life you want to be. Every opportunity and experience is open to you for your pleasure. The problem with this is not all of us truly get to experience life to the full. We get caught up with what is presented to us as important items/status’ in life and they consume us. We miss the big picture and eventually miss out on the life that God would have had for us. We’ve pretty much all heard this; get your education, get a good job/career, get a house and family, save for your children’s future and teach them that these are the important things in life – or better yet, this is the way it should be done. What happens in doing life like this is we chase and chase and chase after these things. Some of them we catch, some we don’t. The most troubling fact about it, no matter the outcome is that we continually are in the chase mode. Because of this learned pattern, it takes us on a journey that is never ending, provides no substance and keeps us always wanting more. We get the job but it’s not the job we want after we’ve been in it for a couple of years. We get the wife and things don’t work out like we thought they would so we want a new one – if anyone at all. We have the kids but because of our careers, we don’t have time to invest in them. We get the money but always wanting more. It’s never enough. Why? The instructions we’ve been given have us on an aimless journey that leads us nowhere. The goal isn’t contentment or placement. We have the idea of the perfect existence once we have all of these things but it never takes shape. It always has us longing for something more. However, when we take on instruction from God we have purpose, direction and an ultimate goal in sight. One of the beautiful things about God’s word it is useful in all aspects of life. As we grow in spiritual maturity and faithfully living dedicated lives to Christ, God puts us on the right path or in the right places he needs us to be! We don’t have to have the stress or uncertainty of wandering through life or questioning what our purpose is. The void has been filled! Alongside God’s divine hand navigating you through the pitfalls of life, he keeps his eyes on you all the way through. God cares about you! He wants to see your life flourishing and being a beacon of hope for others who are just like you used to be – lost and wandering aimlessly. God gets totally vested into you as you become more securely invested into him, his teaching, holding to his commands and living out his truths in practical daily application. The only way to live this type of life is by allowing God to instruct you; and that is only done by and through his word – the bible! Today as we assess our priorities, let us consider what it is we are being instructed to do in our lives and how it is affecting us. Are we running from job to job never happy with any job, are we jumping from relationship to relationship and still not satisfied with the love we’re receiving, do we have all the money we need and still want more for no reason at all, are we unhappy and empty inside but can’t find out what it is we really need? Let me suggest this, the bible has direction for each and every one of us. Give it a try and commit yourself to its teachings; put God to the test and see if he won’t give you a deeper, renewed and inspired purpose in life that you would have never thought about without his counsel. If you can dedicate yourself to that, God will keep his eyes on you in ensuring that you reach your fullest potential in him. So it’s up to you; what type of life do you want? Chasing after your dream life or living out God’s dream for your life? The ball is in your court. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 19:41:05 +0000

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