Days of Unprecedented Blessing By Les D. Crause We are - TopicsExpress


Days of Unprecedented Blessing By Les D. Crause We are living in the end days, when God is going to work in His church like never before. As I waited on the Lord and pondered on the future and all the chaos around us, the Lord placed a word in my heart, and I would like to share it with you to encourage you to look up and be strong. For many good things are in store for the people of God. ~~ Fear not for I am with you says the Lord. For as you see all around you the works of darkness, you are tempted to fear the future and you are tempted to think as the world thinks. But you do not need to allow your mind to be filled with these thoughts, for I have given you the spirit of power and love and a sound mind says the Lord. And you can think thoughts that are filled with love and power instead of fear and weakness. Therefore as you see the darkness arise, realize that the light will also arise. And when the light arises the darkness has to flee before it. But you are looking in the wrong place my child. Instead of looking to the east where the sun will rise, you are looking to the west where it has set. And your heart is filled with trepidation at the darkness to come instead of the joy to come, when I shall arise in the midst of my people. For the kingdom of darkness is rising up in the midst of those whose hearts are not turned towards me, and you see all around you those who have yielded themselves to be instruments of wickedness. But I am not dead my child. I am alive and I live forevermore. But you cannot see me as clearly, because my Body is asleep. Yes my light is shining brightly, but it has become veiled because of the failure of my people to shine forth the light into the darkness. But there is coming a shaking says the Lord, and there is coming an awakening such as you have never seen in your lifetime. And my sleeping Body is getting ready to awaken and rise up. And when my Church rises up it shall be an awesome sight both to the world and to the kingdom of darkness. For my Body shall stand up in awesome power such as has never been seen before in this world. The mighty warrior that is my Church will stand up tall and face the powers of darkness of this world with glory and power that will cause the elements to tremble. It shall be as when the blood flows through the body, causing life to course through the veins and carrying energy to each tissue and organ. As that lifeblood flows, each part of the body begins to come to life and function, and the body becomes a living organism. So shall it be when my anointing power begins to move through my Body in the earth says the Lord. It shall flow forth gently, silently, secretly, and as it does, every part that it touches will come to life. And those who have been bowed down with care will gain a new power and perspective and they will rise up and become active once more. Those who have been hurt and damaged will receive healing and rise up with a new confidence and assurance that will make them invincible in my power. And those who have become disillusioned as a result of past experiences will find a new zeal and goal to aim for, and they will come together with a fresh purpose in their hearts. Therefore see not the darkness that creeps over the earth says the Lord, but see my power as it begins to flow into those who are my own. For there are many that are not visible, but lay hidden from view. Yet they are coming to life even now, in secret and unnoticed. And suddenly my Bride will rise up and make herself ready, and she will be glorious for me says the Lord. She will be a wonder to behold, and many will look upon her as the guests of a wedding look upon the Bride when she arrives, arrayed in beauty and white, and they shall wonder at her beauty, and they shall know that she has made herself ready for her Bridegroom. For she shall glow as only a bride glows on her wedding day. She shall radiate my glory and her beauty shall be apparent to all. It is time for celebration, not despair. It is time for victory and not defeat. It is time to shake off the chains of the past and to become all that I have called you to be says the Lord. It is time for you to act like the victorious people I have made you to be. It is time to rejoice in the Lord your God and do exploits in His name. It is time to displace the kingdoms of this world and establish the reign of the King of Kings. It is time for you to see the rising of the new day that is dawning for those who love me and are called of me. So lift your head up high, and dwell no more on the failures of the past. Forget your cares and concerns and see only the wonderful future that I have planned for you. And look around you and see the plight of those who do not know the wonder of my love. For they have no hope and all they can see is the darkness all about. But you can see the light, and indeed you shall radiate the light, for you are my chosen people and the ones through whom I shall pour forth my glory into the earth says the Lord.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:13:45 +0000

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