Days of the week ((((((Sunday, is the worship of the - TopicsExpress


Days of the week ((((((Sunday, is the worship of the SUN)))))) ((((((Monday, is the worship of the MOON)))))) ((((((Tuesday is for Tīwesdæg or Tīw as associated with Mars)))))). ((((((Wednesday is for the God Odin)))))) Odin (also Woden or Wotan) Scandinavian Mythology the ((((((supreme god and creator, god)))))) of victory and the dead.Wednesday is named after him. Odin also called Wodan, Woden , or Wotan one of the principal gods in Norse mythology. His exact nature and role, however, are difficult to determine because of the complex picture of him given by the wealth of archaeological and literary sources. The Roman historian Tacitus stated that the Teutons worshiped Mercury; and because dies Mercurii (“Mercurys day”) was identified with ((((((Wednesday)))))) (“Wodens day”), there is little doubt that the god Woden (the earlier form of Odin) was meant. Though Woden was worshipedpreeminently, there is not sufficient evidence of hiscult to show whether it was practiced by all the Teutonic tribes or to enable conclusions to be drawn about the nature of the god. Later literary sources, however, indicate that at the end of the pre-Christian period Odin was the principal god in Scandinavia. From earliest times Odin was a war god, and he appeared in heroic literature as the protector of heroes; fallen warriors joined him in Valhalla. The wolf and the raven were dedicated to him. His magical horse, Sleipnir, had eight legs, teeth inscribed with runes, and the ability to gallop through the air and over the sea. Odin was the great magician among the gods and was associated with runes. He was also the god of poets. In outward appearance he was a tall, old man, with flowing beard and only one eye (the other he gave in exchange for wisdom). He was usually depicted wearing a cloak and a wide-brimmed hat and carrying a spear. ((((((Thursday is for Thor the Roman God of Jupiter)))))). Thor Scandinavian Mythology the ((((((god of thunder)))))), the weather, agriculture, and the home, the son of Odin and Freya (Frigga). Thursday is named after him. Thor was sometimes equated with the Roman god Jupiter, dies Jovis (Joves day) becoming Thors day((((((Thursday)))))). ((((((Friday is for Frigg she has been equated with Venus)))))). Frigga Scandinavian Mythology the wife of Odin and ((((((goddess of married love)))))) and of the hearth, often identified with Freya. Friday is named after her. Frigg Frigg is the wife of Odin. In the southern Germanic sources she appears as Friia (Second Merseburg Charm) or Frea (Langobardic), the spouse of Wodan. Snorri depicted her as the weeping mother of Balder, but Saxo described her as unchaste and makes her misconduct responsible for the temporary banishment of Odin. In the “Ynglinga saga,” Odins brothers Vili and Vé share her during his absence in a polyandric relationship similar to that of Draupadī in Hindu myth. She has been equated with Venus, and her name survives in ((((((Friday)))))) (Old English Frīgedæg) from dies Veneris, Venus day. ((((((Saturday is named after the Roman God Saturn)))))). Saturn Roman Mythology 1 Roman Mythology an ancient god, regarded as a ((((((god of agriculture)))))). Greek equivalent Cronus . [ORIGIN: from Latin Saturnus, perhaps from Etruscan.] Saturn Latin Saturnus, in Roman religion, the god of sowing or seed. The Romans equated him with the Greek agricultural deity Cronus. The remains of Saturns temple at Rome, eight columns of the pronaos (porch), still dominate the west end of the Forum at the foot of the Clivus Capitolinus. It served as the treasury (aerarium Saturni) of the Roman state. Saturns cult partner was the obscure goddess Lua, whose nameis connected with lues (plague, or destruction); buthe was also associated with Ops, another obscure goddess (perhaps of the earths fertility), the cult partner of Consus, probably a god of the storage bin. Saturns great festival, the Saturnalia, became the most popular of Roman festivals, and its influence is still felt in the celebration of Christmas and the Western worlds New Year. The Saturnalia was originally celebrated on December 17, but it was later extended to seven days. It was the merriest festival of the year: all work and business were suspended; slaves were given temporary freedom to say and to do what they liked; certain moral restrictions were eased; and presents were freely exchanged. The weekday ((((((Saturday)))))) (Latin Saturni dies) was named for Saturn.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 23:50:53 +0000

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