Dazzling December, Day 13 ~ 1) While others may say they dont mind - TopicsExpress


Dazzling December, Day 13 ~ 1) While others may say they dont mind not having snow, I definitely am not enjoying the 40-ish wet, foggy weather we are having. I miss the sun, pretty white snow and crispness in the air. Not to say I want a blizzard, just a little less damp cold and real Minnesota winter. :) 2) I am both nervous and excited for this afternoon. My friend and co-worker Jennifer and her hubby Bruce have agreed to look at my car in hopes of fixing my brakes and whatever rattling/vibrating metal thing under the car that is going on. I am excited to have an honest, competent, kind person look and repair the car but terrified it may be so bad Ill just need to set the car on fire and walk away. It will be such a relief to have it all done. I am so grateful for their kindness on the weekend when thats the time they have to spend together 3) Cleaned the kitchen this morning and now am enjoying the most delicious cup of coffee goodness. Scott is snoozing and the house is wonderfully peaceful 4) At some point this weekend Ill be going through our clothes/winter items to donate to one of the local outreach centers here in Duluth. After our staff Christmas party next Friday we will be dropping off our donations. I have always recognized how fortunate I am and grateful for my blessings, but in light of recent events in town, and across our country, I have a heightened awareness of all the privileges I am afforded and have often take for granted and last but not least 5) As the Christmas holiday rapidly approaches, I find myself getting anxious and tangled in the web of must - must mail cards, must buy gifts, must, must, must....I remind myself that this is a season of love, kindness and renewal. Whether or not I buy you a gift, a card, or whatever is required of our society, those of you who know me best know that if you are in my heart today or any other time of the year.....You already know it. I would rather not receive a token must have card just for the sake of getting it out than to receive a sweet email or kind hello throughout the year. Kindness doesnt have a season.....its the in thing every single day.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:13:03 +0000

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