De Islam is een prachtige religie die veel rechten geeft aan de - TopicsExpress


De Islam is een prachtige religie die veel rechten geeft aan de vrouw, maar helaas waren er ook figuren in de historie die zich daar niet aan hielden. Een van die personen was Omar ibn al Khattaab. De 2e Khaliefa van de Soennieten. Narrated Yazid from Hemad Ibn Salama from Alee Ibn Zaid from Yusuf Ibn Mehran from Ibn Abbas who said: When Uthman Ibn Madh’oon died, a woman said: Blessed you are! The Messenger of Allah (saw) looked at her annoyingly and said: How do you know?! She said: O Messenger of Allah (saw) he was your knight and companion, whereupon he (saw) said: By Allah, I am the Messenger of Allah and I do not know what will happen to me, and when Zainab daughter of the Messenger of Allah (saw) died, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: Join our pious friend the good one, Uthman Ibn Madh‘oon, whereupon the women started to cry, then Umar started to beat them with his whip, so the Messenger of Allah (saw) took his hand and said: Leave them O Umar! And then said to the women: Do cry, but be careful not to whoop like Satan! He continued: When the eye weeps and the heart becomes sad for a person, it is from Allah the Almighty and of His mercy, and what comes from the hand and the tongue it is from the Satan. Footnote: This Hadeeth is Saheeh (Authentic!) Sunni Source: Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. Vol 2, Page # 530 - 531.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:44:04 +0000

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