Dead to sin and alive in Christ. He himself bore our sins in - TopicsExpress


Dead to sin and alive in Christ. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. (1 Peter 2:24 ESV) My message One of the significant impact of the cross in our lives as believers is that we are dead to sin and alive in Christ. We were slaved to sin after the fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3, destined for God’s wrath but Christ came to pay the price for our sins by bearing it on the cross through death to make us alive again. What does this means for us as believers for what Christ did on the cross; 1. We are no more slaves to sin but a slave to righteousness. 2. We have been saved from the punishment we deserve i.e. Substitutionary atonement. 3. We have a new life under Christ which a life of righteousness and holiness Peters further talks about we have been healed by His wound. Which points to us that; Sin is a disease, a natural and hereditary one, an epidemic distemper, that reaches to all men, and to all the powers and faculties of their souls, and members of their bodies; and which is nauseous and loathsome, and in itself mortal and incurable; nor can it be healed by any creature, or anything that a creature can do. Christ is the only physician, and his blood the balm and sovereign medicine; this cleanses from all sin; through it is the remission of sin, which is meant by healing; for healing of diseases, and forgiving iniquities, is one and the same thing (103:3) Brethren, only one person can save us from and God’s wrath and that’s Jesus Christ. If you not saved, please repent and believe in Him for your sins to be forgiven, to be made alive in Christ and saved from God’s wrath coming upon the ungodly. God bless you!
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 07:21:29 +0000

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